Yes_Goddess, glad you had a great time! Was the other Mistress being trained by Megan? If so this is highly unusual in my experience. I've been used as the sub by a veteran Mistress to train a possible dominas a handful of times, but only by Mistresses that knew me well, and usually the training lasts half the session. The rest was, in a couple of cases with me, the veteran Mistress going one-on-one with me in appreciation for my duties with the trainee.
Once a Mistress/escort I knew years ago suggested bringing in another woman and, unlike the trainee sessions, I didn't know who to play to: my Mistress or the other woman. It was almost sensory overload because the ladies went all out, both dressed in animal print bikinis, having a large stuffed lion to use as a prop for "Tarzan" to subdue, being ordered to pleasure the other woman in a specific way, etc., etc. Going back to one-one-one with the Mistress/escort was more enjoyable and less distracting, if that's the right way to describe it.