Someone needs to step up and file the 25th amendment.
No, people should stop saying this......Let this tired old, Piece of filth Biden get humiliated....I can't wait..
This Evil person has done so much damage to this Fucking country with his over 50 years in Washington that it is appropriate that he suffers humiliation....
100,000 Americans a year are dying because this animal Let these drugs pour across the border.....How about all the little girls and woman who were raped and murdered because Biden let these animals come across the border....
Who speaks for them? Who speaks for those hundreds of January 6th prisoners who were FALSELY imprisoned....Or the ones who committed suicide? They will NEVER get their lives back...
When the HELL are people going to stop feeling sympathy for this Piece of Shit....His entire family is scum.....Starting with Jill....
Anyone who voted for this man and anyone who continues to vote for this man should burn in Hell. They too have blood on their hands....They too are responsible for ALL of these horrors..
If anyone is still unsure about who to vote for by now then they need their heads examined....Or they just enjoy watching others suffer....Both financially and emotionally...The person who pulls the lever for Biden or RFK is either ignorant or evil....