There are theories that cannabis became vilified because the large cotton companies didn't want to competition of hemp and paid off politicians. The same is said to have been true with the tobacco companies. Both theories are very credible. Some years back, Trey Gowdy took the official in charge of categorizing "Drugs" to task, demanding to know what he based labeling cannabis more dangerous than cocaine and heroin. The official admitted he had zero evidence to base it on and there hadn't even been studies.
So, when
this article came out, it struck a nerve. With epidemic level of fentanyl deaths in this country, our government allows it to pour across the borders. When is the last time you heard about someone overdosing from weed?Yet, that is where they are putting time and resources, sounding the alarm at how dangerous the untaxed grow houses are. When select states began wising up and legalized cannabis, it came with heavy taxes, over regulation and licenses that were cost prohibitive to most. It was largely being said that the only growers could afford to be in business is to stay under the radar and do it illegally.
Using marijuana was never an interest for me. I tried it a hand full of times as a younger person and just didn't like it. However, I've envied those who it works for, be it relaxation, medication purposes or recreation. I doubt it will ever happen, at least not in my life time, but I would like to see it be completely legalized and fairly taxed and lightly regulated. How about you?