In a fair and just world world, all three of them would have been marched of to Gitmo. Clinton along with everyone else who was responsible for the Russian Collusion hoax too! The intel staffers who signed off on the crackhead's laptop being fake news, off to Gitmo. However, that is a pipe dream. This country works the way it does.
Let the doofs line up to kiss the Don's ring. If he were the one calling the meetings, I'd see it differently. Whether we like it or not, the mega wealthy are powerful have part in controlling the country. However wrong, those fuckers carry more weight than you or I. It is important for Trump to know what they are up to.
With that, have a nice holiday. I am having dinner with my wife's family. We've all agreed not to talk about politics. A few of the 20 somethings are lost in snowflake land.