
not sure why links not working?

i have always known of this episode....but when i came across this clip, back in 2017.....maybe not the exact clip....but every "comment" said the nazi leader was TRUMP.....

which I thought was do dumb, ...the leader, in this episode, was a drugged out, zombie that didn't know that his own government was being run by the deep state.....the actor even resembles current 46, Bidet....

But people that didn't like Republican control in 2017 could only resort to using the word NAZI, whenever they could, ring-a-bell, TED?

Just because Trump has followers, doesn't make him a Nazi.....

Trump supporters want freedom, freedom, freedom, or just less government,,,,

while the liberals, want the government to do everything for them...
make everyone get the vax
make everyone wear a mask......
diversify the work-force due to government mandates....
tax the rich more...
equal pay for women...but by government control

Last edited by coderanger; 03/22/2024 02:26 AM.