Ted, you never listen to anything Trump says in entirety. Much of the time you blindly believe the left's propaganda and accept their taking it out of context or omitting half of the remarks. As far as your yelling about Trump's "Foul mouth," I've never heard him cuss. Maybe he has and I missed it. He can be an abrasive as#hole at time. But, foul mouthed? That isn't a characteristic. Beyond that, the reason Trump is up in all of the polls over Biden, is the sad state of this country. I wouldn't care if someone opened their speeches up with "How the f#ck are you doing?" as long as borders weren't open, crime wasn't soaring, affordable housing is scarce, inflation is through the roof and the President's son is skating on serious tax evasion while the IRS haunts the middle class.
And, the video tape? If you listened to it in entirety, you'd see his comments were taken horribly out of context. It actually exonerates him as someone who forces themselves onto women. I don't give a damn about men engaging in locker room talk in private. I care much more about a sitting President lying to the grieving families of fallen soldiers by saying that his son was killed in the line of duty and he watched his flag draped coffin being uploaded from the plane. I care about a party that has weaponized the justice system and works with big tech to censor us.