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Ted Offline OP
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I've never liked Donald Trump; I went from calling him a racist stemming from his and his father's apartment rental policies to rapist because of Jane and Tiffany Doe NYC 1990's bondage-rape scenarios, confirmed for me by the late 1990's E. Jean Carroll Bergdorf-Goodman dressing room caper. I resented his 'bone spurs' draft dodging amplified by my brother's one week incarceration in a Fort Jay hospital bed on Governor's Island for 4-5X daily blood pressure tests to get his 4F Designation for high blood pressure.
- - - It is in this vein that I offer this Atlantic article: "Donald Trump, the Most Unmanly President"
- - - While this article is from 2020, EVERYTHING remains as true TODAY as it was THEN!

"Donald Trump, the Most Unmanly President; Why don’t the president’s supporters hold him to their own standard of masculinity?"
By Tom Nichols
Archive Pics / Alamy / The Atlantic
May 25, 2020

"So many mysteries surround Donald Trump: the contents of his tax returns, the apparent miracle of his graduation from college. Some of them are merely curiosities; others are of national importance, such as whether he understood the nuclear-weapons briefing given to every president. I prefer not to dwell on this question.

"But since his first day as a presidential candidate, I have been baffled by one mystery in particular: Why do working-class white men—the most reliable component of Donald Trump’s base—support someone who is, by their own standards, the least masculine man ever to hold the modern presidency? The question is not whether Trump fails to meet some archaic or idealized version of masculinity. The president’s inability to measure up to Marcus Aurelius or Omar Bradley is not the issue. Rather, the question is why so many of Trump’s working-class white male voters refuse to hold Trump to their own standards of masculinity—why they support a man who behaves more like a little boy.

"I am a son of the working class, and I know these cultural standards. The men I grew up with think of themselves as pretty tough guys, and most of them are. They are not the products of elite universities and cosmopolitan living. These are men whose fathers and grandfathers came from a culture that looks down upon lying, cheating, and bragging, especially about sex or courage. (My father’s best friend got the Silver Star for wiping out a German machine-gun nest in Europe, and I never heard a word about it until after the man’s funeral.) They admire and value the understated swagger, the rock-solid confidence, and the quiet reserve of such cultural heroes as John Wayne’s Green Beret Colonel Mike Kirby and Sylvester Stallone’s John Rambo (also, as it turns out, a former Green Beret).

"They are, as an American Psychological Association feature describes them, men who adhere to norms such as “toughness, dominance, self-reliance, heterosexual behaviors, restriction of emotional expression and the avoidance of traditionally feminine attitudes and behaviors.” But I didn’t need an expert study to tell me this; they are men like my late father and his friends, who understood that a man’s word is his bond and that a handshake means something. They are men who still believe in a day’s work for a day’s wages. They feel that you should never thank another man when he hands you a paycheck that you earned. They shoulder most burdens in silence—perhaps to an unhealthy degree—and know that there is honor in making an honest living and raising a family.

"Not every working-class male voted for Trump, and not all of them have these traits, of course. And I do not present these beliefs and attitudes as uniformly virtuous in themselves. Some of these traditional masculine virtues have a dark side: Toughness and dominance become bullying and abuse; self-reliance becomes isolation; silence becomes internalized rage. Rather, I am noting that courage, honesty, respect, an economy of words, a bit of modesty, and a willingness to take responsibility are all virtues prized by the self-identified class of hard-working men, the stand-up guys, among whom I was raised.
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"And yet, many of these same men expect none of those characteristics from Trump, who is a vain, cowardly, lying, vulgar, jabbering blowhard. Put another way, as a question I have asked many of the men I know: Is Trump a man your father and grandfather would have respected?

"I should point out here that I am not criticizing Trump’s manifest lack of masculinity solely because he offends my personal sense of maleness. He does, of course. But then again, a lot about the president offends me, as a man, as a Christian, and as an American. Nor do I make these observations as a role model of male virtue. I was, in every way, an immature cad as a younger man. In late middle age, I still struggle with the eternal issues of manhood, including what it means to be a good father and husband—especially the second time around after failing at marriage once already.

"And truth be told, I am not particularly “manly.” I wear Italian shoes with little buckles. I schedule my haircuts on Boston’s Newbury Street weeks in advance. My shower is full of soaps and shampoos claiming scents like “tobacco and caramel,” and my shaving cream has bergamot in it, whatever that is. And I talk too much.

"I freely accept that I do not pass muster by the standards of most Trump supporters. Again, what intrigues me is that neither should Trump. As the writer Windsor Mann has noted, Trump behaves in ways that many working-class men would ridicule: “He wears bronzer, loves gold and gossip, is obsessed with his physical appearance, whines constantly, can't control his emotions, watches daytime television, enjoys parades and interior decorating, and used to sell perfume.”

"I am not a psychologist, and I cannot adjudicate the theories of male behavior that might explain some of this. Others have tried. Two researchers who looked back at the 2016 presidential election suggested that support for Trump was higher in areas where there were more internet searches for topics such as “erectile dysfunction,” “how to get girls,” and “penis enlargement” than in pro–Hillary Clinton areas of the country. (One can only hope that correlation is not causation.) The idea that insecure men support bullies and authoritarians is hardly new; recall that one of George Orwell’s characters in 1984 dismissed all the “marching up and down and cheering and waving flags” as “simply sex gone sour.” To reduce all of this to sexual inadequacy, however, is too facile. It cannot explain why millions of men look the other way when Trump acts in ways they would typically find shameful. Nor is arguing that Trump is a bad person and therefore that the people who support him are either brainwashed or also bad people helpful. He is, and some of them are. But that doesn’t explain why men who would normally ostracize someone like Trump continue to embrace him.

"In order to think about why these men support Trump, one must first grasp how deeply they are betraying their own definition of masculinity by looking more closely at the flaws they should, in principle, find revolting.

"Is Trump honorable? This is a man who routinely refused to pay working people their due wages, and then lawyered them into the ground when they objected to being exploited. Trump is a rich downtown bully, the sort most working men usually hate.

"Is Trump courageous? Courtiers like Victor Davis Hanson have compared Trump to the great heroes of the past, including George Patton, Ajax, and the Western gunslingers of the American cinema. Trump himself has mused about how he would have been a good general. He even fantasized about how he would have charged into the middle of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, without a weapon. “You don’t know until you test it,” he said at a meeting with state governors just a couple of weeks after the massacre, “but I really believe I’d run in there, even if I didn’t have a weapon, and I think most of the people in this room would have done that too.” Truly brave people never tell you how brave they are. I have known many combat veterans, and none of them extols his or her own courage. What saved them, they will tell you, was their training and their teamwork. Some—perhaps the bravest—lament that they were not able to do more for their comrades.

"But even if we excuse Trump for the occasional hyperbole, the fact of the matter is that Trump is an obvious coward. He has two particular phobias: powerful men and intelligent women.

"Whenever he is in the company of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to take the most cringe-inducing example, he visibly cowers. His attempts to ingratiate himself with Putin are embarrassing, especially given how effortlessly Putin can bend Trump to his will. When the Russian leader got Trump alone at a summit in Helsinki, he scared him so badly that at the subsequent joint press conference, Putin smiled pleasantly while the president of the United States publicly took the word of a former KGB officer over his own intelligence agencies.

"Likewise, as Trump has shown repeatedly in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, he is eager to criticize China, until he is asked about Chinese President Xi Jinping. In the course of the same few minutes, Trump will attack China—his preferred method for escaping responsibility for America’s disastrous response to the coronavirus pandemic—and then he will babble about how much he likes President Xi, desperately seeking to avoid giving offense to the Chinese Communist Party boss.

"This is related to one of Trump’s most noticeable problems, which is that he can never stop talking. The old-school standard of masculinity is the strong and silent type, like Gary Cooper back in the day or Tom Hardy today. Trump, by comparison, is neither strong nor capable of silence.

"And when Trump talks too much, he ends up saying things that more stereotypically masculine men wouldn’t, like that he fell in love with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. “He wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia. “We fell in love.” One can only imagine the reaction among working-class white men if Barack Obama, or any other U.S. president, had talked about falling in love with a foreign leader. (George W. Bush once said he saw into Putin’s soul, and he has never lived it down among his critics.)

"Is Trump a man who respects women? This is what secure and masculine men would expect, especially from a husband and a father of two daughters.

"Leave aside for the moment that the working-class white men in the president’s base don’t seem to care that Trump had an affair with a porn star while his wife was home with a new baby, something for which many of them would probably beat their own brother-in-law senseless if he did it to their sister. Trump’s voters, male and female, have already decided to excuse this and other sordid episodes.

"Women clearly scare Trump. You don’t have to take my word for it. “Donald doesn’t like strong women,” Senator Ted Cruz said back in 2016 of the candidate who attacked Cruz’s wife as ugly, but who is now his hero as president. “Strong women scare Donald. Real men don’t try to bully women.”

"Trump never seems more fearful and insecure than when women question him. His anxiety at such moments—for example, when he calls on female reporters in the White House press room—is palpable. He begins his usual flurry of defensive hand gestures, from the playing of an imaginary accordion to a hand held up with a curled pinky finger like some parody of a Queens mobster, while he stammers out verbal chaff bursts of “Excuse me” and “Are you ready?”

"Does Trump accept responsibility and look out for his team? Not in the least. In this category, he exhibits one of the most unmanly of behaviors: He’s a blamer. Nothing is ever his fault. In the midst of disaster, he praises himself while turning on even his most loyal supporters without a moment’s hesitation. Men across America who were socialized by team sports, whose lives are predicated on the principle of showing up and doing the job, continually excuse a man who continually excuses himself. This presidency is defined not by Ed Harris’s grim intonation in Apollo 13 that “failure is not an option,” but by one of the most shameful utterances of a chief executive in modern American history: “I take no responsibility at all.”

"Trump’s defenders could argue that he is just another male celebrity whose raw authenticity offends snooty elitists but appeals to the average Joe. The analogy here is someone like Howard Stern, who has known Trump for years and has been idolized by young men across America. Stern cavorted with porn stars, said shocking and racist things, and was, in his way, the living id of every maladjusted teenager.

"Whatever you think of Stern, however, he’s much more of a man, by any definition, than Trump. For one thing, Stern is often self-effacing in the extreme, which is both part of his act and a source of the charm he possesses. Stern routinely jokes about the inadequacy of his male endowment. Trump, however, went to pains to reassure the country—in the middle of a presidential-primary debate—that his equipment has “no problem.” Stern knows how to take his lumps in public, while Trump is a wailing siren of complaints.

"More important, Stern is capable of introspection and has a certain amount of self-awareness, a quality important for any mature and healthy person. Stern, who once encouraged Trump’s antics, now seems concerned. He has suggested that Trump was traumatized by his childhood and his father. “He has trouble with empathy,” Stern told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “We know that. And I wish he’d go into psychotherapy. I’d be so proud of him if he did, and he would flourish.” (Stern endorsed Joe Biden in April.)

"Trump is never going to get therapy. But Stern’s observation opens the door to a better explanation of why—despite all of his whiny complaints, his pouty demeanor, and his mean-girl tweets—Trump’s working-class voters forgive him.

"Trump’s lack of masculinity is about maturity. He is not manly because he is not a man. He is a boy.

"To be a man is to be an adult, to willingly decide, as Saint Paul wrote, to “put away childish things.” There’s a reason that Peter Pan is a story about a boy, and the syndrome named after it is about men. Not everyone grows up as they age.

"It should not be a surprise then, that Trump is a hero to a culture in which so many men are already trapped in perpetual adolescence. And especially for men who feel like life might have passed them by, whose fondest memories are rooted somewhere in their own personal Wonder Years from elementary school until high-school graduation, Trump is a walking permission slip to shrug off the responsibilities of manhood.

"The appeal to indulge in such hypocrisy must be enormous. Cheat on your wife? No problem. You can trade her in for a hot foreign model 20 years younger. Is being a father to your children too onerous a burden on your schedule? Let the mothers raise them. Money troubles? Everyone has them; just tell your father to write you another check. Upset that your town or your workplace has become more diverse? Get it off your chest: Rail about women and Mexicans and African Americans at will and dare anyone to contradict you.

"Trump’s media enablers do their best to shore up the fiction that Trump and the men who follow him are the most macho of men. The former White House aide Sebastian Gorka, one of Trump’s most dedicated sycophants, has described Trump as a “man’s man,” despite the fact that Trump has no hobbies or interests common to many American men other than sex. In this gang of Sweathogs, Gorka is the Arnold Horshack to Trump’s Vinnie Barbarino, always admiring him as the most alpha of the alphas. To listen to Gorka and others in Trumpworld, the president can turn his enemies to ash through sheer testosterone overload. Some Trump voters have even airbrushed the president’s face onto the bodies of both Rambo and Rocky Balboa. (The president himself approvingly retweeted the Trump-as-Rocky meme.)

"Gorka tries to cosplay the same role himself. The photographs of him carrying guns, wearing a suede vest, and posing next to his underpowered suburban Mustang are now internet legends, precisely because they are so ridiculous. But he is a good example of how so many of the men who support Trump have morphed into childish caricatures of themselves. They, too, are little boys, playing at being tough but crying about their victimization at the hands of liberal elites if they are subjected to criticism of any kind.

"I do not know how much of this can explain Trump’s base of support among working-class white women. (Those numbers are now declining.) But perhaps these women, too, regard Trump as just one more difficult and mischievous man-child in their lives to be accommodated and forgiven.

"The best example of women giving him a pass was after the Access Hollywood tape came to light in the fall of 2016. Trump had been caught on audio bragging about being able to grope women because he was famous. Republican leaders panicked; surely this level of vulgarity, they reasoned, would kill Trump’s chances with female voters.

"Instead, women showed up at rallies with shirts featuring arrows pointing right to where Trump could grab them.

"Melania Trump, for her part, dutifully defended the boyishness of it all. “Sometimes I say I have two boys at home,” she said at the time. “I have my young son and I have my husband. But I know how some men talk, and that’s how I saw it.” Female Trump supporters were interviewed on national television and—in a tragic admission about the state of American families—seemed confused about why Trump would be considered any worse than the men around them.

"I recall one woman telling a reporter that her son talked that way in front of her all the time. Part of how I was socialized into adult manhood was knowing that if I spoke like that in front of my late mother—an Irish American woman from an impoverished background—she would have made my ears ring with the slap she’d have given me.

"In the end, Trump will continue to act like a little boy, and his base, the voters who will stay with him to the end, will excuse him. When a grown man brags about being brave, it is unmanly and distasteful; when a little boy pulls out a cardboard sword and ties a towel around his neck like a cape, it’s endearing. When a rich and powerful old man whines about how unfairly he is being treated, we scowl and judge; when a little boy snuffles in his tears and says that he was bullied—treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, even—we comfort.

"Donald Trump is unmanly because he has never chosen to become a man. He has weathered few trials that create an adult of any kind. He is, instead, working-class America’s dysfunctional son, and his supporters, male and female alike, have become the worried parent explaining what a good boy he is to terrorized teachers even while he continues to set fires in the hallway right outside.

"I think that working men, the kind raised as I was, know what kind of “man” Trump is. And still, the gratification they get from seeing Trump enrage the rest of the country is enough to earn their indulgence. I doubt, however, that Trump gives them the same consideration. Perhaps Howard Stern, of all people, said it best: “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most love him the most. The people who are voting for Trump for the most part … He’d be disgusted by them.” The tragedy is that they are not disgusted by him in return.
- - - - - -
If you take issue(s) with any of this, PLEASE DO SO!

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Ted Offline OP
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Cowards threaten, and folks does Donald Trump threaten!
I highlight for me was when Lisa Bloom announced that Jane Doe was dropping here Lawsuit again Donald Trump (and Jeffrey Epstein) for a 1990's 'bondage-rape' in Epstein's midtown mansion:

"A woman who accused GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump of raping her when she was 13 has dropped her lawsuit against him, her attorney said Friday.

“Jane Doe instructed us to dismiss her lawsuit against Trump and Epstein today,” attorney Lisa Bloom tweeted on Friday, with a link to a notice of voluntary dismissal. “Tough week for her. We wish her well.”

"Bloom went on to add, “Every woman makes her own own choice about what is best for her. Life’s a journey. Most of us get stronger as we get older. I respect women.”

Before you say come-on, Epstein's dead and Jane Does is probably beyond her hottie years: UNDERSTAND that he's doing the SAME THING on an hourly basis today with his potential jurors and NY Court staff.

TRY to defend the COWARD, if you can!

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Your op eds are incredibly inconsiderate. Take what you gather from them and put them into your own words without the copy and paste. I won't prevent you from the copy and paste but, gesh, think for yourself.

I'm not reading through all of that propaganda. We've had the Trump is a racist debate before. He is clearly not. How many racists do you know that fund a black man's run for presidency? How many openly date black women? Biden has behaved in a racist manner when it was to his political advantage. As a self proclaimed scholar, think for yourself. Communicate beyond copay and paste nonsense..

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[quote=Cheyenne]Your op eds are incredibly inconsiderate. Take what you gather from them and put them into your own words without the copy and paste. I won't prevent you from the copy and paste but, gesh, think for yourself.

I'm not reading through all of that propaganda. We've had the Trump is a racist debate before. He is clearly not. How many racists do you know that fund a black man's run for presidency? How many openly date black women? Biden has behaved in a racist manner when it was to his political advantage. As a self proclaimed scholar, think for yourself. Communicate beyond copay and paste nonsense.. [/quote]
I actually said all of my post in my own words:
I referred to DJT and his father's requiring "C" for colored on rental agreements: Tell me that isn't racist!
I referenced Trump's roaming NYC's streets with Jeffrey Epstein and raping-away with 'teammate-Epstein'; I did mention that Lisa Bloom closed a Court Case she filed for Jane Doe who withdrew AFTER Trump threatened to have her entire family killed if she continued with the suite.
I then mentioned the E. Jean Carroll case which branded Trump a rapist last year.


One FINAL point: We all KNOW that COWARDS threaten; Trump is a yellow, despicable lying COWARD!!

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Ted, you did a copy and paste. Those were not your words. You know it. What current policy issues of Bidens do you support? What current policy issues of Trump's do you condemn? Policy instead of character attacks, Ted. That is a reasonable question for a self proclaimed expert.

Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/19/2024 01:28 PM.
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I support Biden's "right to choose" - - I condemn Trump's uncaring.haphazard Satan-like-like dance around the topic, too often yakking that dems support destroying end-of-term babies!
I support Biden's attempt to FIX Southern Border issues, rather than separate migrant families and FULLY CLOSE the border.
I support Biden's return to NATO, repairing the near-fatal blow Trump imparted to the alliance.
I support Biden's honest treatment of dictatorships as adversaries, not Trump's cozying up to and even PRAISING them worldwide.
I support Biden's $1T deficits (foisted on him be Trump's FAR-UNBALANCED $2.5T annual deficits)!
I support Biden and the dem's ability to concede a lost election withing hours or days, compared to the Trump/GOP's virtual destruction of the U.S. voting systems with "RIGGED ELECTIONS" whenever he/they lose!
I support Biden's 'tuition-support' to deal with totally OUT-OF-CONTROL University charges of today.
I support Obamacare, not the yet-to-be-revealed "Trumpcare".

LIKE IT OR NOT, you MUST admit that the 'Atlantic" summary hit ALL th nerves and even fine points!!!
I keep seeing pieces about sending Trump to Rikker's Island for his DISGUSTING Court threats and behavior; I prefer Leavenworth!

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I'm quite certain this is another copy and paste but I will respond.

On abortion, you've no standing. You've supported termination up to the that the "Doctor smacks it on the ass."

On the border, you are either willfully ignorant or have ulterior motives. The bill was loading with garbage. Are you aware of what it was full, including thousand of unvetted illegals a day?

Separating families at the border? Children brought on a dangerous journey while the parents are committing a crime should be held responsible. Even Obama warned how unsafe it was for children to be on this illegal crossing. If I took a child, in my family, to commit a crime, that child would be separated from me. I'd be in jail and charged, not just with the crime but child endangerment. So, safe the BS.

NATO has turned into an American funded group. Russia wanted to join it and was denied. When they were the Soviet Union, they agreed to dissolve the Warpack Treaty, on the conditions that NATO wouldn't be on their border. Their actions have been horrible and indefensible. But, their motives are understandable. Above all, it isn't our business to fund this war. We've got homeless on the streets. Families who are going uneducated and to bed hungry. Crime is soaring. We need to think about our own country.

Your comment about Trump praising dictators is absurd. Do you hit yourself in the with a hammer every day? Something isn't working in there.

If you don't understand or haven't taken the time to educate yourself on the irregularities of the last election, right down to the Covid lies, then you really must have hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Laws were changed, as they are being now. You don't want to acknowledge all of the lefist lies and previous actives that lead to Covid. It isn't about Trump. It is about tax payer's voting rights.

NO ONE has done anything to make college more affordable or, accessible by improving early education. It is horribly wrong. The government starting student loan debt. They demonized vocational school. It is a huge scam. It doesn't come down to one politian verses the other.

When it comes to healthcare, I don't give a darn about Obama or Trump. What I know is the government took a good policy away from my family. The people who fund this country have the right to control their family's health insurance.

Ted, give me a break on the op eds. Declaring yourself a doctor of facts while relying on op eds says it all.

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Ted I like talking to you about Femdom and bdsm but you’ve got one of the most severe cases of TDS I’ve ever seen. There’s no doubt Trump is a total jerk asshole narcissist etc. I believe he’s totally amoral but his policies were good for the country and that’s all I care about.

Cheyenne kudos to you. You are well read , reasonable and express yourself well. We need someone like you as president.

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Crist. Do you sit around your house all day thinking about how much you hate Donald Trump? Take in a movie. Go to a strip club. Dude, whatever brings you happiness, do it instead of being so worked up.

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[quote=Cheyenne]I'm quite certain this is another copy and paste but I will respond.

On abortion, you've no standing. You've supported termination up to the that the "Doctor smacks it on the ass."

On the border, you are either willfully ignorant or have ulterior motives. The bill was loading with garbage. Are you aware of what it was full, including thousand of unvetted illegals a day?

Separating families at the border? Children brought on a dangerous journey while the parents are committing a crime should be held responsible. Even Obama warned how unsafe it was for children to be on this illegal crossing. If I took a child, in my family, to commit a crime, that child would be separated from me. I'd be in jail and charged, not just with the crime but child endangerment. So, safe the BS.

NATO has turned into an American funded group. Russia wanted to join it and was denied. When they were the Soviet Union, they agreed to dissolve the Warpack Treaty, on the conditions that NATO wouldn't be on their border. Their actions have been horrible and indefensible. But, their motives are understandable. Above all, it isn't our business to fund this war. We've got homeless on the streets. Families who are going uneducated and to bed hungry. Crime is soaring. We need to think about our own country.

Your comment about Trump praising dictators is absurd. Do you hit yourself in the with a hammer every day? Something isn't working in there.

If you don't understand or haven't taken the time to educate yourself on the irregularities of the last election, right down to the Covid lies, then you really must have hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Laws were changed, as they are being now. You don't want to acknowledge all of the lefist lies and previous actives that lead to Covid. It isn't about Trump. It is about tax payer's voting rights.

NO ONE has done anything to make college more affordable or, accessible by improving early education. It is horribly wrong. The government starting student loan debt. They demonized vocational school. It is a huge scam. It doesn't come down to one politian verses the other.

When it comes to healthcare, I don't give a darn about Obama or Trump. What I know is the government took a good policy away from my family. The people who fund this country have the right to control their family's health insurance.

Ted, give me a break on the op eds. Declaring yourself a doctor of facts while relying on op eds says it all. [/quote]

I think Ted should really take a stand and show the world how TDS affects people....

I say Ted should set himself on fire in front of Trumps courthouse with all the cameras rolling....Just like that other guy did yesterday....But I will bet dollars to donuts that Ted doesn't have the balls....

Come on Ted...Just do it.

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[quote=buffalo]Ted I like talking to you about Femdom and bdsm but you’ve got one of the most severe cases of TDS I’ve ever seen. There’s no doubt Trump is a total jerk asshole narcissist etc. I believe he’s totally amoral but his policies were good for the country and that’s all I care about.

Cheyenne kudos to you. You are well read , reasonable and express yourself well. We need someone like you as president. [/quote]

How is reducing the Federal Treasury Income from $6T to less than $4T via MASSIVE tax cuts (which I saw only $2,000 of annually during Trump's entire term), "good for the Country? Coupled to close to an ANNUAL spending increase of $1T and HUGE TARIFFS on imported goods that WE ALL want/need meant it, thankfully, was 'Biden-time'!
- - - What do you think about being TOO COWARDLY to admit he lost to Biden by 7M popular votes and dozens in the Electoral College, even 5 years later TODAY?
For CERTAIN: You personally need a 'refresher-course' on Reagan-initiated "Starving-the-beast", that always thrills republicans to the core, Nationwide!

As for Cheyenne, we NEED her dressed in 'the gear' when we're in lock-down-bondage in a dungeon somewhere;
if nothing else, she doesn't appreciate that CLOSING the Southern Border, and separating families that somehow make it to Immigration, is BEYOND 'cruel and unusual'!

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Ted, what part of my having said our entire government is irresponsible and self serving with tax payers money don't you understand. They serve themselves, not us. Most of them are bought off by other countries. The bills they are proposing and even passing are egregious. Nothing in them is about making life for the every day American any better. So, save the budget rants. It rings hollow.

Get dolled up and stay in the dungeon? LOL. Ted, you started my morning with a smile. That is funny. It reminds me of when someone told a basketball player to "Shut up and dribble." But, in all seriousness, I have six children, 15 grandchildren and am very close with my niece and nephews. I know a bit about raising children and being a responsible parent. The parents taking their children on a dangerous journey to commit a crime are endangering their own children. Any American citizen that took a child with them to commit a crime, would be arrested and the child sent to Children Services until a family member could be found. So, I'm over your regurgitation of saying that it should be any different at the border. The border should be closed. Period.

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[quote=Cheyenne]Ted, what part of my having said our entire government is irresponsible and self serving with tax payers money don't you understand. They serve themselves, not us. Most of them are bought off by other countries. The bills they are proposing and even passing are egregious. Nothing in them is about making life for the every day American any better. So, save the budget rants. It rings hollow.

Get dolled up and stay in the dungeon? LOL. Ted, you started my morning with a smile. That is funny. It reminds me of when someone told a basketball player to "Shut up and dribble." But, in all seriousness, I have six children, 15 grandchildren and am very close with my niece and nephews. I know a bit about raising children and being a responsible parent. The parents taking their children on a dangerous journey to commit a crime are endangering their own children. Any American citizen that took a child with them to commit a crime, would be arrested and the child sent to Children Services until a family member could be found. So, I'm over your regurgitation of saying that it should be any different at the border. The border should be closed. Period. [/quote]
Just a brief couple of notes regarding your remark that "the border should be closed - Period."
#1. FWIW, I'm sure happy that the U. S. border was open when my grandparents arrived on those vessels from Russia and Lithuania in the 1900 time-frame; I've got to believe that you've got similar feelings to me in THAT regard.
#2. Think through (I don't even want to speculate) what would happen to our planet were ALL borders everywhere abruptly closed.

As a final point: Where else, other than from taxpayers, would our 'entire Government' get its funding?
Just be happy that you're fortunate enough to be one of the funders.
Allow me one realistic "budget rant": A balanced Federal Budget has got to be far superior to our consistently unbalanced ones (which now require $1T annual interest payments before we even spend a meaningful dollar)!

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Ted, this is a far cry from when our grandparents came over. What is going on now is not fair or even civilized to the people pouring across or the tax paying citizens living here. It should be closed until the criminal invasion is under control. It has come to an extreme crisis.

Be happy that I am "Fortunate enough" to be financially exploited by an out of control government? Our government should be focused on addressing problems in this country. Sending billions overseas is not acceptable. You seem to love government control. Along the lines of "Get dolled up and stay in the dungeon," I could make a similar reference. You fetish for forking over large sums of money and being controlled should stay in the bedroom and the dungeon, not every day life.

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Ted Offline OP
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As it turns out, fortunately, wealthy countries have always helped less fortunate ones; it may NOT be labeled as such, but that's the way it has turned out (for centuries)!
Wars are unfortunate happenstances, but are usually traceable to one, or a couple, buffoon(s), who thought they could take things/land for nothing and RULE!; they are USUALLY not the sharpest knives in the draw, and are often quite uneducated and foolish, e. g. characteristics exhibited by Trump and his close-in partners.

As for what was 'yesterday' and what's going on now: As a STEM person, the inroads are beyond comprehension, but the Scientific road is like that, particularly when SO MANY countries have players 'in the game'!

You, Dear Lady, have done quite well for yourself in a space replete with fantasizing men. . .

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Ted, we disagree that we should be sending billions over seas when this country has record breaking homelessness, many of of public schools are struggling and there is staggering inflation. Charity beings at home. Yes, I have done quite well for myself and feel very fortunate. What does that have to do with desiring a government that is not ridden with corruption and puts the citizens of the US first?

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