Ever watch the show on Amazon Prime called "The Boys"? It's a "superhero" movie where the superheroes aren't really good people and they are marketed by a giant, soulless, amoral corporation. It's not a pleasant universe to be in.
The show is over the top in a lot of ways - sex is one of them. It's a bit shocking.
I watched an episode with some people earlier today. There were topics like adult breastfeeding and one of the rich, retired 'Batman' types of superheros had a secret 'cave' that was a BDSM dungeon (complete with a chained, ball gagged gimp who was jumping around making noise. "Who is THAT?" Somebody onscreen asked. "Oh, that's just my old sidekick. I keep him locked up down here.")
The retired hero lured an unsuspecting guy into the dungeon, and got him cuffed to a spanking bench, and then one of the women executives of this soulless corporation walked in, and started spanking him or something. She loved it. Clearly she and the Batman guy were way into it.
Some asked me "Damn. How does a person find this sort of stuff fun?"
"It's like hot wings," I said. "Most people start off trying mild wings. And they maybe like them. Then, maybe a few months or years later, maybe they order wings again, but this time they try medium. Then, maybe later they want wings again, but this time maybe they want more, so they order hot wings. And maybe they love that, so they go get even hotter wings, and then go to nuclear wings... "
"And then one day they find they bought a spanking bench and a cross and leather toys... But typically this sort of stuff (gesturing to the screen) is advanced and something a person works up to over years or decades. "
"Also, not everyone likes chicken or spicey shit. Hot wings aren't for everyone."
"Besides, this shit in this episode is nuts. Don't ever let anyone tie you up like this if you don't absolutely 100% trust them. And this shit in this episode is just over the top shit for shock value."