The problem is gonna be getting Gaetz confirmed...

Unless, Trump has a trick up his sleeve like using the Senate recess to install him without confirmation....

I just dont see these Rinos in the House and Senate going along with that plan...

Like I said earlier, Trump still has many enemies in both chambers who WILL undermine him (and the American People) again...

Trump should really go all dictator and have them all arrested and thrown in prison....We DONT need these 535 anymore....

Not sure how many times I have to explain this. As long as these 535 people are still there we will have problems and nothing will get done.

People have short memories and forget that Trump had both chambers of Congress the first time he was elected....Ryan and McConnell backstabbed him every minute..

Now Trump has Thune(an absolute Trump Hater) and Johnson....I dont like or Trust Mike Johnson at all..

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 11/15/2024 12:54 PM.