First of all, thank you for getting this forum up and running! I miss forums in general and I miss Domme forums especially.
A lot to unpack here. I call sex trafficking the part of the sex trade that depends on coercion, threats, blackmail, or outright violence. Basically slavery. Elites have partaken in this through out history in one way or another.
I'm thiinking more Epstein Island than porn right here. The girls were paid, but also understood that very powerful people can make others disappear. With the number of only fans sites out there, I doubt it's hard to find volunteers today.
They want to call everything sex trafficking because calling it prostitution does not cause a moral panic today. It is the oldest profession.
Porn (video on demand type) is relatively new. We are still trying to find out the rules we can agree on.
What I see as more of a threat to BDSM material is the complete lack of privacy today. Cell phones & cameras. Snowden's revelations on internet surveilance. No one in power cares what I do. But what if I were to get a job on capital hill?
Will my browsing history be used to tell me who to favor?