Hi there,
Welcome to the forum! I just noticed your response. I agree with all that you've said. I also find it shameful that we are spied on in such a way by a government that we support. Regardless of one's occupation, it should be no one's business if they surf porn or dress up as a pony on the weekends. But, as you said, for people on capitol hill, it would blasted everywhere. Remember when it got out that Dick Morrison, who was in Bill Clinton's administration, had a foot fetish? I do remember some years ago when an ex girlfriend outed her boyfriend, who was high ranking on a bomb squad, for being into BDSM. Probably because he wasn't a politian, no one in the government went after him. It was brushed off the media left it alone. His boss made a brief statement about highly skilled and hard working he is and it was forgotten about it. That is how it should be all of the time.