Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...I am gonna post another opinion piece that you are gonna hate...And I know you wont believe any of what this writer says.
You are correct on both counts.
The Bible might be correct in its prophecies (though I believe such correlation is coincidence, not prediction).
If prophecy is to be believed, then the concept of free will is damaged if not destroyed.
Regardless, most of the traits mentioned apply more to Obama (or his puppet master{s}), not Trump.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
There is a good Chance that Trump (and Musk) are fooling everyone including me...
In what way might YOU be fooled?

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
[The author suggests] that Trump might be the antichrist...Personally I really think its Musk...
The author (Martin de Boer) offers the possibility of Trump being AN antichrist.
A small difference, but may be significant.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Read some of the comments because they are interesting. But I know you dont believe in this stuff...
I read some of them and they sound like Kool-Aid drinking cultists.
I'd appreciate it if you would point out the comments you think are significant.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
For the record Trump cannot fix this corrupt system of government we have and he knows this...
I fear you may be correct in that he may not be able fix it, but you have no way to know what he knows.
I think it is commendable that he is making an effort particularly since the task seems insurmountable.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Millions of people around the world may have been played/brainwashed big time by Trump and Musk... They want him to be God and he thinks he is God...
The brain washing has been directed in the other direction by the media (both news and entertainment), the educational system, and the manipulation of communication by Big Tech.
You have no way of knowing if his followers think he's a god or if they want him to be.
You also have no way of knowing what Trump thinks in that regard.
One can think himself important without believing he's a god.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
This is the cold hard truth about Donald Trump. He only cares about himself and he worships money and material things..
Again you make assumptions based on limited aspects of human nature.
I believe many people care about themselves and desire wealth.
That does not make them callous and uncaring towards others.
You seem to resent the fact that he is able to create and obtain wealth.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Musk is gonna be worth almost a Trillion Dollars soon. In your heart of hearts do you honestly believe 1 man should have that much personal wealth?
So you want everyone to be limited on the amount of wealth they can acquire?
That stance is only valid if you assume the wealth is taken from others and not created or earned.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Only the beast has that much wealth....
If God indeed "rules the world," He has more wealth and power by a long shot.

Last edited by chuck; 12/26/2024 10:35 AM. Reason: typos and clarity