Re: Revelations being wrong.

People have been trying to predict who the antichrist is for centuries. Some thought it was Obama, some said Bush and others said Hitler or Napoleon.....

It changes constantly with time....I have ruled out all of the above for various reasons.. None of this is an exact science of course...

However, from my studies of who the antichrist may be I have the personal opinion that it could be Trump or Musk.. Both fit the descriptions better than anyone I have ever seen...And that includes Hitler...

I also think that the Pope is possibly the False Prophet.. But these are my opinions and I am entitled to my opinions last time I checked...

"Trump believes in Product exposure"

Yeah, thats an understatement. Exactly why I asked if you were ever in NYC.. You said 50 years ago.. New Yorkers have known everything about Trump since then... He has been a fixture here... Maybe not in 1975, but since the 1980' s at least....

Truth be told, Trump has a storied history of shady money making scams.. You should read the actual facts of one of his biggest scams "Trump University"..... Click the actual court records from his top salesman at this so called "University"...

Trump has always been a snake oil salesman but I guess now we have to forget about his past because he has promised to save our country from all these bad people....As long as we bow down to him.

This could be his greatest trick yet....


Trump was taught everything he knows from the master manipulator himself Roy Cohn....Thats like Darth Sidious (aka Emperor Palpatine) teaching Darth Vader...

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/26/2024 09:11 PM.