I could be off base here. There are no studies to go by. But, I don't buy the "Cult like" following. Do I support Trump? Yes. Has my support for him increased over the last for years? Absolutely. It is based on the policy issues he advocates. It isn't about him personally. I do admire the way he dealt with the lawfare and assignation attempts. Certainly, I admire the way he raised his children. He keeps getting back up and fighting for policy issues that many Americans wants. If he fails to deliver or caves into to the liberal agenda, my respect for him will lessen. It isn't Trump. It is about the fact that someone is still fighting for the working class in our country. Who cares if he even means it. Who cares if he is full of himself. Results is what this is about.

Hannity has a cult following? Hmmm, maybe he does. I double check what any media outlet says. I've watched Fox commentators take an unvetted Dr. Phil show transcript and report it as news. There may well be people who take their word as gospel. I just don't think that most people follow media commentators. They follow the message. There is probably a lot of commentators pushing a narrative that they don't even believe in.