My understanding of H-1b visas is that they are for technical worker, often in specialized positions. These workers are paid significantly less in exchange for the opportunity for a pathway for citizenship. My first hand experience with them is exactly zero. So, I am not claiming to be an expert. What I would need to see before forming a strong opinion on this is hardcore data. How many positions are truly lost for Americans of equal education, experience and merit? I am all for Americans first but I do respect this form of immigration over hand outs for unvetted illegals. We should welcome people who have value and respect to bring to this country and are willing to work for a pathway to citizenship.

Along the same lines, it major issue I have with planned immigration, is the grants and business licenses for foreigners that Americans do not have access to. I'm talking about gas stations, mini marts and the like. I spend way too much time driving state to state in the US, both because of the homes I own but also for my daughter's hockey. It is almost rare to see these type of businesses owned by American born citizens. In Columbus, Ohio, there is a little area outside of downtown that is unrecognizable from what it was 20 years ago. It was subtly changing then but now...unbelievable. Most businesses are foreign owned and the neighborhoods have gone down the gutter. If the same type of pride and care was taken when, just as one example, when the Italians were setting up pizza shops and restaurants, it would be a delight. But, it isn't like that now. Too many people come over with entitlement and near contempt for Americans. Everything is made easy for them so they have no respect. Like H-1b visas, there should be work and sacrifice.

I could have a flawed view of this. I'm only going on what I've read and some of what I've experienced first hand.

When it comes to people like Gates visiting Trump, I'm not crazy about because I have utter contempt for the man. But, he has a lot of influence in the world. It is understandable that Trump would agree to see him. In Obama's first term, he agreed to meet with Steve Jobs. Obama didn't take Job's advice, which he really should have. But, wealthy influencers get in to see political figures, whether anything comes from it or not That is the way it has always been.

One more word on the original topic: Jobs implored Obama to put technical education of Americans as a priority. As a devout Democrat, he was an Obama supporter even though he disagreed with him on a few issues. Jobs said that he had no choice but to open a large plant in another country because there were not enough entry level engineers in the US. He lamented about the importance of American youth keeping up with technical education, from entry level to advanced.

Another one more word on the original topic: Kennedy Jr. brought to light about the catastrophic vaccination program that Gates came up with and was pushing some years ago. A lot of young girls lost their lives over his program. Kennedy has been quiet lately, from what I can tell. He can't be be happy about the Gates meeting either. I have no idea why Gates asked for a meeting. But, if health and safety are to be involved, Kennedy should have been invited to the meeting.