MissMary posted: "I look forward to conversing with you here."
Response: Likewise.
From your posts, it seems we have similar or parallel moral values and agree on many issues.
I also respect your intelligence.
You appear to be moderate or flexible on issues and open to consider contrary points.
I, on the other hand, lean far right on most issues and I'm not flexible when I believe I'm right.
It is rare for me to vacillate on an issue that is important to me.
I consider contrary points as challenges to be addressed and/or discredited, not points to ignore or deflect.
Some of the longest exchanges on issues have been with posters I respect but disagree with.
It really frustrates me when someone I respect can't see what seems obvious to me.
Though I try to be civil, I'm told my posts can be pretty caustic.
If I offend you, let me know; I'll apologize, attempt to justify, or both.

As to the issues I presented in my previous post, I offered them as issues that are related to the Democrats being in power.
I was not trying to accuse you of supporting those issues, but to point out that support for Democrats exacerbates damaging positions and demonizing Trump minimizes the benefits that he has and can produce.

I understand you don't like Trump but you support your reasons with vague disparaging remarks.
You mention you don't like Trump's position or attitude concerning the fetish community.
I included issues where I thought Trump's ability and philosophy would prove to be far more beneficial for that community than liberal policies that are toxic and divisive.

I think you should seriously consider voting for Trump.