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Noem wrote about and discussed, in an interview, shooting a 14 month old puppy. The dog couldn't be trained to hunt and got into her chicken coup, killing a few birds. She said the dog was playful and happy. That sounds like a social dog that was still a pup and had no history of biting people. She couldn't be bothered to rehome it to a family with a fenced yard and no chickens? If Trump doesn't distance himself from this woman, liberals everywhere should rejoice. If he picks her for VP, Trump signs will be disappearing from people's yards like crazy, including in rural areas. As someone living in a rural area with a lot of farm land and doing some work with the local no kill shelter, as long as that pup was good with people, it would have found a home in less than 2 weeks.
Biden took his elderly German Shepherd, from it's life life in a serene setting and put in an unfamiliar busy White House with strangers everywhere. That wasn't good enough for him, so he got a German Shepherd pup and had it trained by the Secret Service. The man could have hired the Dog Whisperer himself. Instead, it is not professionally trained under what can be a stressful setting. When it starts biting people, he still keeps it around for photo ops. It took the dog putting a Secret Service agent in the hospital for Biden to take action. It is very likely the dog was put down. If the dog had been rehomed when it was younger and not attacked people 12 times, it could have found a great home.
But, you know what Biden didn't do? He didn't publicize his irresponsible and heartless behavior.
Trump is sunk if he doesn't distance himself from Noem. Even being on the same stage with her at his rally in North Dakota will cost him a massive amount of votes.
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Cheyenne posted: Noem wrote about and discussed, in an interview, shooting a 14 month old puppy. The dog couldn't be trained to hunt and got into her chicken coup, killing a few birds. She said the dog was playful and happy. That sounds like a social dog that was still a pup and had no history of biting people. She couldn't be bothered to rehome it to a family with a fenced yard and no chickens?
Response: This reminds me of leftist media blowing up out of context statements to attack a political opponent or make a political point. This sort of thing works as people in social media summarize the distorted talking point in headers such as "Is Noem Even Dumber than Biden?"
I've watched this sort of trash for years: Remember Charles Gibson's "Exact words" trick on Sarah Palin? "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." I know you're familiar with the "He looks white" quote of Zimmerman. Trump is viewed as a sexual predator because of a deliberate misinterpretation of a private conversation.
Now we have Noem characterized as a killer of a playful and happy puppy.
Shit like this makes me mad. (Pardon my language. I'm angry enough to break my self-imposed "no coarse language" policy.) ***Look to issues and performance, not some imagined character flaw.*** Yeah, if she was a better politician, she would have scrubbed that from her book. Washington is full of politicians who are more adept at polishing their image than talking straight.
I haven't read the actual relevant excerpt (I believe it is several pages long) so my interpretations are pure speculation based on the MSM selected quotes.
As to your "14 month old puppy," keep in mind that a female 12-month-old German Wirehaired Pointer typically weighs 62 pounds. (I looked it up.)
As to your "The dog couldn't be trained to hunt and got into her chicken coup, killing a few birds," The dog couldn't be trained or controlled. It escaped from the truck and before it could be contained. It broke into a chicken coup and killed several chickens. Whether a playful pup or a "trained assassin," doesn't matter, those chickens were killed intentionally and rapidly. Hunting dogs are not trained to do that. Supposing, instead of a chicken coup, a sandbox where 30 pound toddlers played, had caught its attention.
As to your "the dog was playful and happy. That sounds like a social dog..." "Playful and happy" was in an environment where it was the only dog that was disrupted and where "playing" (happy or not) was inappropriate. As to "social," think again about children with an irresponsible 60 pound playmate with teeth.
As to your "had no history of biting people," I didn't see that. Did you make it up? However, apparently the dog did turn to bite Noem (not clear if dog was successful). Noem's assessed the dog was "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with." Who better to assess the character of a dog than its owner? Remember, the owner is legally responsible/liable for the damage and injuries inflicted by their dog.
As to your "She couldn't be bothered to rehome it to a family with a fenced yard and no chickens?" She dealt with the problem herself by humanely putting the dog down without crating her off to a facility that would either have to cage her and/or put her down themselves.
Frankly, I think it was commendable that she didn't try to foist a dangerous animal on an unsuspecting family who may or may not have children and/or may or may not have liability insurance if the dog got loose.
It appears Noem should be commended for doing what had to be done rather than passing the problem onto someone else. You will never get a liberal to see it that way.
Last edited by chuck; 04/30/2024 05:47 AM. Reason: typo
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Other posters who defend Noem and call her "Commendable" must not be dog owners themselves....
Personally as a person who has always owned at least 2 Labradors I find it disgusting that anyone would shoot and kill a dog....If they were worried about their fucking (I don't have a no coarse language rule) stupid chickens then why did they get the dog in the first place...
Who gives a shit about a bunch of dirty/smelly/noisy chickens.....In fact it is the chickens who are going to be eventually killed and eaten by the owner anyways....
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I was going by Noem's own words in happy and playful. A 12 month old dog is still a pup. It was said to be 14 months old. But, either way, that dog was a good way from the maturity of an adult. Noem did not indicate the dog was a danger to people. Thank you for pointing out the breed. These dogs are known to be great with people, including children. When a dog goes to a shelter, it is accessed carefully and adoptees screened to make the dog is in a suitable situation for the new owners and the dog. I stay connected with the local shelter here and do some work for them. I see a lot of dogs come and go, including ones that need special circumstances. Jumping out of a truck and killing chickens does not make it a vicious dog that should be killed by it's owner.
One of my rescues is tremendously gentle with people of all ages and other dogs. But, she has strong prey instincts. She will bring the occasional dead possum home, after her nightly romp through the woods. Once she manged to sneak a live one into the house. The timing of this article is interesting because part of my family owns 80 acres in a farm town in Ohio. My nephew and I plan on keeping a close eye and, even going to the extent of a shock collar, before letting her run the land. We need to know if she will bother the goats or chickens. Just as when people introduce dogs to other dogs, they need to use common sense and caution.
I agree the media went after Palin unfairly and was disgusted by it. This, story, in Noem's own words, is costing her the support of conservatives like me. People love their dogs in this country. Just as Golden Retrievers and Labs are known to be gentle dogs, so is this breed: "Affectionate, Willful, Intelligent, Friendly, Loyal, Active and is considered to be an excellent in home companion for families with children. It would be 1 in 100 million to find vicious one. " What Noem describes makes this dog seem more of a Marley and Me type dog that was not fit to be a farm dog. This is coming from my own words, not the distortion of the media.
Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/28/2024 02:04 PM.
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Labs are great dogs. I lost my 15 year old lab a couple of years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I agree about the chickens. Chickens are cheap and can be replaced. The dog obviously shouldn't remain on a farm where people raise livestock, some depending on it as a food source. But, this isn't this the old days. There are suburbs with no chickens and fenced yards. Knowing what breed this dog was makes it worse.
Beyond that, it was a monumental lack of judgement, for her to announce that she killed a 14 month old puppy. What did she think she'd gain by that? Sympathy? Admiration? Even if this were a vicious dog, boasting about your willingness to shoot it isn't something people talk about to promote themselves. Total stupidity.
Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/28/2024 12:17 PM.
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The news of this put a damper on mine and the wife's date night. We had been excited about her being on Trump's vp list. What she did was animal cruelty. A young dog shouldn't be put down because it can't hunt and killed chickens. It puts Trump in a no win situation addressing it either way. I hope he stays the hell away from this topic and her. The best that could happen is Noem announces she won't be at his ND rally because she doesn't want to be a distraction.
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Posted by Cheyenne: I was going by Noem's own words in happy and playful. Response: Out of context. That's as bad as the Gibson ambush I mentioned in my previous post where he quoted Palin's "exact words" leaving a false impression by leaving off "I pray."
Posted by Cheyenne: A 12 month old dog is still a pup. Response: It still weighs 60 pounds, has teeth, and is irresponsible. Being a happy puppy doesn't reduce the danger. Example (Though undoubtedly loved, this dog was euthanized): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1k4wNXfDB8
Posted by Cheyenne: ...that dog was a good way from the maturity of an adult. Response: They had a year to train the dog and couldn't. Do you believe Nome has not had dogs she loved and trained before? The experience of having to put down the dog apparently affected her or she wouldn't have mentioned it.
Posted by Cheyenne: Noem did not indicate the dog was a danger to people. Response: Please at least address my comments on that assertion before posting a contrary opinion. Answering questions on the topic will also help keep this discussion from going in circles. My previous comment on the topic: As to your "had no history of biting people," I didn't see that. Did you make it up? However, apparently the dog did turn to bite Noem (not clear if dog was successful). Noem's assessed the dog was "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with." Who better to access the character of a dog than its owner?
Posted by Cheyenne: Thank you for pointing out the breed. These dogs are known to be great with people, including children. Response: So are pit bulls. Dogs of the same breed still have different personalities.
Posted by Cheyenne: When a dog goes to a shelter, it is accessed carefully and adoptees screened to make the dog is in a suitable situation for the new owners and the dog. Response: I wonder how close the nearest no-kill shelter was to Noem's farm in South Dakota. And if there is no suitable situation? Your "solution" is for Noem to pass along her problem.
Posted by Cheyenne: Jumping out of a truck and killing chickens does not make it a vicious dog that should be killed by it's owner. Response: The point is, the dog was uncontrollable after a year of attempted training by people who lived around animals.
Posted by Cheyenne: My nephew and I plan on keeping a close eye and, even going to the extent of a shock collar, before letting her run the land. Response: Noem tried a shock collar. Obviously with little success. What are you and your nephew going to do if it doesn't work? Pass the problem to another entity or person? Keep the dog chained or caged? Use a muzzle? Increase the voltage on its collar? Are these torture options better than euthanizing it?
Posted by Cheyenne: What Noem describes makes this dog seem more of a Marley and Me type dog that was not fit to be a farm dog. This is coming from my own words, not the distortion of the media. Response: You base your position on your vision of a totally different dog under different circumstances from a sanitized story presented as entertainment. Unless you read the original writing, your opinion was formed by the comments and context that the MSM presented. Your re-writing of the MSM narration doesn't erase the effect of the MSM presentation. Please heed your own words: "...they need to use common sense and caution."
The major point I'm making is, all this angst over her making a difficult decision is a non-issue that is being used to remove a political threat and has nothing to do with animal cruelty.
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Posted by Fahrenheit451: Other posters who defend Noem and call her "Commendable" must not be dog owners themselves.... Response: If you have a problem with "other posters," you would do better to address them directly rather than just talk about them to others. You may be a dog owner but have you ever lived on a farm?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: I find it disgusting that anyone would shoot and kill a dog.... Response: You would rather torture the animal with cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc.? You would rather take the chance that an uncontrollable (therefore dangerous) animal might escape and harm a child?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: (I don't have a no coarse language rule) Response: Yes, I noticed. Your colorful language really highlights the careful thought you put into your post.
Last edited by chuck; 04/28/2024 06:41 PM.
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Posted by Scooby: What she did was animal cruelty. Response: No it was a quick euthanasia. Would it be kinder to muzzle, cage, transport, and deliver the animal to strangers who will hold it down while sticking it with a needle?
Posted by Scooby: A young dog shouldn't be put down because it can't hunt and killed chickens. Response: She was put down because she was "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."
Posted by Scooby: It puts Trump in a no win situation addressing it either way. Response: That's exactly why the MSM presented this nonissue story as they did. The left can't win on actions or policy so they resort to manufacturing character attacks. It infuriates me as to how effective this strategy is; it's illustrated by the comments on this thread.
Last edited by chuck; 04/28/2024 06:14 PM.
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[quote=chuck]Posted by Fahrenheit451: Other posters who defend Noem and call her "Commendable" must not be dog owners themselves.... Response: If you have a problem with "other posters," you would do better to address them directly rather than just talk about them to others. You may be a dog owner but have you ever lived on a farm?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: I find it disgusting that anyone would shoot and kill a dog.... Response: You would rather torture the animal with cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc.? You would rather take the chance that an uncontrollable (therefore dangerous) animal might escape and harm a child? [/quote]
We don't use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc" for Labradors...As a matter of fact everybody in my neighborhood has at least one dog and I have NEVER seen anyone use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc".....
And if I did I would report them immediately.....
The most any responsible dog owner should do is kennel train for the first couple of months....Since my dogs are labs, they train easily. Same with German Shepherds....
As far as kids go, we have had dogs since she was born....I also believe that 99.9% of all dogs are NOT bad dogs.....Probably no such thing as a bad dog....Only bad dog owners....
This sicko Noem is a BAD dog owner....Same with Biden.....
As far as Trump picking her, he should NOT....But he doesn't listen to my advice anyways. Trump ALWAYS makes the wrong decisions when it comes to picking his personal...The rest of us have to suffer for Trumps cabinet choices....
To Trump "every politician is a good guy/gal"......That's why he is in the position he finds himself in now......
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/28/2024 06:53 PM.
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This was not a character attack. Noem announced the story in her book. That handed the liberal media valid material to run with. Character matters on some issues. Killing a young dog for no good reason is one of them. Noem is damaged goods. She did it to herself.
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Posted by Fahrenheit451: We don't use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc" for Labradors...As a matter of fact everybody in my neighborhood has at least one dog and I have NEVER seen anyone use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc".....
And if I did I would report them immediately..... Response: If one lives in as apartment, a pet is essentially caged in the rooms provided when the owner is not home. Smaller cages are used extensively for transport. Personally, I think it is irresponsible (if not animal abuse) to own a large dog if there are not facilities adequate for a large dog. Many, if not most leashes are chains and are mandated in many urban areas. Chains are also used if the available fencing is not adequate to contain the animal. I mentioned shock collars because Cheyenne mentioned them and they are often used for training and/or fencing. Muzzles are mandated in California in many situations, particularly for problem dogs.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: The most any responsible dog owner should do is kennel train for the first couple of months.... Response: You never answered my question but I'm guessing you have never lived on a farm. So who are you to criticize those who have to assure different species live in the same area? To criticize those who have to care for more animals than a couple of pets? To criticize those who worry about an open or broken gate or holes burrowed under a fence? To criticize those who may not have the extra funds, time, and/or availability to kennel train one of their animals?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: Since my dogs are labs, they train easily. Same with German Shepherds.... Response: So you've had no experience with training except for easy dogs, yet you criticize those who encounter problems you never had to contend with.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: ...I also believe that 99.9% of all dogs are NOT bad dogs.....Probably no such thing as a bad dog....Only bad dog owners.... Response: Your belief is exists in a sea of ignorance and carries no weight.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: As far as Trump picking her, he should NOT... Response: A conclusion based on a flimsy character attack and not on policies. You gripe about all politicians being evil. Well this is an example of how we get rid of any potential good ones. As I mentioned to another poster, it infuriates me to see how well this tactic works.
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[quote=chuck]Posted by Fahrenheit451: We don't use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc" for Labradors...As a matter of fact everybody in my neighborhood has at least one dog and I have NEVER seen anyone use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc".....
And if I did I would report them immediately..... Response: If one lives in as apartment, a pet is essentially caged in the rooms provided when the owner is not home. Smaller cages are used extensively for transport. Personally, I think it is irresponsible (if not animal abuse) to own a large dog if there are not facilities adequate for a large dog. Many, if not most leashes are chains and are mandated in many urban areas. Chains are also used if the available fencing is not adequate to contain the animal. I mentioned shock collars because Cheyenne mentioned them and they are often used for training and/or fencing. Muzzles are mandated in California in many situations, particularly for problem dogs.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: The most any responsible dog owner should do is kennel train for the first couple of months.... Response: You never answered my question but I'm guessing you have never lived on a farm. So who are you to criticize those who have to assure different species live in the same area? To criticize those who have to care for more animals than a couple of pets? To criticize those who worry about an open or broken gate or holes burrowed under a fence? To criticize those who may not have the extra funds, time, and/or availability to kennel train one of their animals?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: Since my dogs are labs, they train easily. Same with German Shepherds.... Response: So you've had no experience with training except for easy dogs, yet you criticize those who encounter problems you never had to contend with.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: ...I also believe that 99.9% of all dogs are NOT bad dogs.....Probably no such thing as a bad dog....Only bad dog owners.... Response: Your belief is exists in a sea of ignorance and carries no weight.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: As far as Trump picking her, he should NOT... Response: A conclusion based on a flimsy character attack and not on policies. You gripe about all politicians being evil. Well this is an example of how we get rid of any potential good ones. As I mentioned to another poster, it infuriates me to see how well this tactic works. [/quote]
She blew away a dog with a firearm...She is toast just like Cheyenne and Scooby said...
Re: "Did I live on a farm"
There weren't too many farms in Queens or the Greenwich area.....However my family does own 80 acres in upstate NY with horses, chickens, several goats and yes a dog...Their dog did go after the chickens but they didn't blow its head off with a shut gun...
"Muzzles are mandated in California"......I am not surprised because Illegals and cheating at the ballot boxes are mandated in that SICKO state too...So nothing surprises me there except how anyone can still live there..
Re: Trump picking her...
"Based on a flimsy character attack and not on policies"....
Wrong it wasn't a character attack because she actually admitted blowing her dog away with a gun...
"I gripe about all politicians being evil"
And I am usually correct about this...
You want the list?
Pence Christie McConnell Graham Barr Jeff Sessions Paul Ryan Mike Johnson Mitt Romney Nicky Haley Mike Pompeo Christopher Wray Kevin McCarthy
Trump ENDORSED and supported everyone of these people...And ALL OF THEM have backstabbed Trump......Some are even gonna testify against him....
And these are only the names off the top of my head..
All the while the famous last words from Trump "They are good guys/gals doing a good job"....
I will go so far as to say that almost everyone on that list would have been out of politics forever if it weren't for Trump saving their corrupt asses....And getting them reelected....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/28/2024 09:35 PM.
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Posted by Scooby: This was not a character attack. Response: Of course it is. It is not about issues or capability.
Posted by Scooby: Noem announced the story in her book. Response: She wrote about how she handled a potentially dangerous situation.
Posted by Scooby: That handed the liberal media valid material to run with. Response: The liberal media will take anything they can use to spin a character attack. All most people judge how appropriate her action was, is based on the MSM selection of out of context statements followed by commentary on how to interpret that selection. They did the same to Trump by claiming he admitted to being a sexual predator in the "pussy tape."
Posted by Scooby: Killing a young dog for no good reason... Response: You consistently ignore her statement: "...dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."
Posted by Scooby: Noem is damaged goods. Response: I'm afraid you may be correct in that regard. The tactic of generating a false flaw and using it to destroy a political figure is effective and we see the country going down hill as a result.
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Posted by Fahrenheit451: She blew away a dog with a firearm... Response: So your objection is about the method of euthanasia she used? Fire arms are quick and have been used on horses as well. Is that more cruel than having a frightened dog held by strangers while being stabbed with a needle?
Posted by Fahrenheit451: She is toast just like Cheyenne and Scooby said... Response: Yeah. The liberal machine will effectively spin nothing into an effective political weapon. Sad that you, of all people, also fell for it.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: There weren't too many farms in Queens or the Greenwich area... Response: That's what I thought. It seemed like you were relying on big city solutions to solve rural problems.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: Their dog did go after the chickens but they didn't blow its head off with a shut gun... Response: To my knowledge "shut guns" are not legal in New York.
Actually I did live on a 100 acre farm in Michigan when I was in grade school. We had a hound dog named "Thunder Thumper Thinkin Thumtin" plus our surname. Yes, as the surname implies, he was considered family. Believe it or not, we usually just called him "Thunder." My dad had a favorite rooster named Rosko. Believe it or not, we often called him "Rosko the Rooster" because it sounded neat. One morning, my dad saw Rosko's foot sticking up from the ground. Thunder had buried his "treasure" after killing him. No, we didn't shoot him. We couldn't even bawl him out. How can you tell a dog he's done something wrong well after the fact? However, If any of us saw him going after Rosko, I'm confident any of us (myself included) could have shouted "no" and Thunder would stop and look at us with contrite eyes as only a hound dog can. HOWEVER, if Thunder was like Noem's dog, and continued his attack after one of us said "no" and then attempt to bite if one of us tried to restrain him, it would be a different story. A trust would have been broken and he would not be allowed to be around my sister or myself. If that was not practical, he probably would have been euthanized.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: Wrong it wasn't a character attack because she actually admitted blowing her dog away with a gun... Response: You're wrong. The attack on her character implied, if not stated, the killing of the dog was unjustified and cruel.--It was neither.
Posted by Fahrenheit451: "I gripe about all politicians being evil"
And I am usually correct about this... Response: You are also part of the cause when you support the unwarranted attacks on those who might replace them.
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It was not a character attack. It was exposing her horrible lack of judgement.
It does not sound like a potentially dangerous situation. The breed is known to be gentle with people. Her daughter came home and asked where her dog, Cricket, was. Why would anyone allow a dog who was a danger to people around her children? She added that she hated the dog. I'm not buying it. It isn't falling for anything the media said. Her story is about as credible as Biden's grandfather having been eaten by cannibals. None of it makes sense. It smells, without the media's spin, that she killed a dog that couldn't hunt and killed chickens. I call bullshit on it. She was looking to make herself look like a badass. What she did was repulsive to millions of American voters. Cheyenne was right that it was stupid to put this in a book. It was stupid to put a book out when hoping to be on a presidential ticket.
The Trump pussy tape was blown out of context. That isn't what happened here.
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Posted by Scooby: It was not a character attack. It was exposing her horrible lack of judgement. Response: You have yet to support your contention that the act was poor judgement. It can be argued that writing about it was poor judgement politically.
Posted by Scooby: It does not sound like a potentially dangerous situation. Response: A 60 pound dog that cannot be controlled and attempts to bite sounds dangerous to me. Noem thought it was dangerous and she was there.
Posted by Scooby: The breed is known to be gentle with people. Response: This individual dog apparently was different.
Posted by Scooby: Her daughter came home and asked where her dog, Cricket, was. Why would anyone allow a dog who was a danger to people around her children? Response: Her daughter is a married adult.
Posted by Scooby: She added that she hated the dog. Response: Does one have to love a dangerous dog before they can take action?
Posted by Scooby: I'm not buying it. It isn't falling for anything the media said. Response: Yet your primary source that you base you opinion is from excerpts provided by the media, a media that will do anything to hamper Trump and his supporters. No, You fell for the media narration hook, line, and sinker.
Posted by Scooby: She was looking to make herself look like a badass. Response: More like she is indicating that she is capable of doing what is needed to be done despite it not being easy.
Posted by Scooby: What she did was repulsive to millions of American voters. The media spun it to make it seem repulsive.
Posted by Scooby: Cheyenne was right that it was stupid to put this in a book. It was stupid to put a book out when hoping to be on a presidential ticket. Response: So bottom line; It's more important to be a polished savvy politician than a capable stateswoman.
Posted by Scooby: The Trump pussy tape was blown out of context. That isn't what happened here. Response: It's exactly what happened here--and for the same reason.
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In her book the exact quote was " She took her 14 month old female dog to the gravel pit and shot her because she was less than worthless, untrainable, and had killed and eaten several chickens"....
Her dog also "ruined a pheasant hunt when she went out of her mind with excitement"
Noem also says in her book " she had to kill a mean and nasty goat in the same gravel pit"....
Noem is finished politically........Maybe somebody will take her to that same "gravel pit".....
But the bottom line is who really gives a shit about any of these career politicians...Do you need any of them in your life? Are you not smart enough to live your own life without the "guidance" and interference from these career snake oil politicians...I say the world would be a better place without ALL of them...And without the media too.....
And what the HELL is she doing writing a book anyways ? I thought she was supposed to be a "servant of the people".....Oh yeah I forgot...All politicians capitalize off of their positions and she is no different.....And suckers like you will buy her book.....And make her wealthy......
And on and on this cycle continues.....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/29/2024 02:45 AM.
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It was poor judgement to fail to train a dog properly and rehome it when things didn't work out. She didn't expect the dog to be excited after coming back from a pheasant hunt? She claims to have been training the dog to go after fowl. Well, she got it. Everything about this sounds like she was pissed off at a puppy and shot it. Being stupid enough to write about it in a self promoting book, that is a whole new brand of stupid.
This breed of dog has zero reported bites. She got the only defective one? Her story ads up to a bunch of bullshit.
Why does it matter how old her daughter was? People don't let vicious puppies around their children or take them on pheasant hunts.
Noem's own words and actions are my source. Media narrative? Gimme a break. That is a cop out for you to say that. I don't give a fuck what the media says. These facts speak for themselves.
She did what needed to be done? I haven't read this anywhere. Fact is, it looks like an impulse kill. She looks like a desperate, self promoting liar. She looks like an idiot too.
She tried to make a connection between the killing of animals and serving the country. How stupid. Nothing was blown out of context here.
Last edited by Scooby; 04/29/2024 05:21 AM.
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Her next book should be on how to ruin a successful career.
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Chuck, respectfully, who is doing the spinning? Her daughter may be a married adult now. This happened 20 years ago when Noem was 32. Did she have a married adult daughter at that time?
Now, let's talk about the goat. She described it as being an uncastrated ill tempered male that smelled and was "Nasty." What did she expect from a goat? They are hilarious to watch and cute. But known to be ill tempered, especially males. Why were her children even in the same area as the goats? Most farmers castrate male goats between 8 and 12 weeks of age, the exception being when they send them off to be processed early. So, she decided to shoot it because it was everything that goats are. Her stories make no sense. She does not paint herself to be a responsible mother or farmer with this or the puppy story. She sounds a little too eager to shoot animals that get on her nerves, even domesticated ones.
You can blame this on media spin all you want. You can say that the posters here are falling for a narrative. But, it isn't the case. Every poster here is going by her own words.
Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/29/2024 12:04 PM.
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I think Chuck got beat up on this topic.....
The bottom line:
Anyone who shoots and kills a 14 month old puppy because "it was untrainable and ruined a pheasant hunt" is a sick violent/murderous sociopath.....Plain and simple.....
Maybe Chuck has a crush on Noem? But he has to stand in line because she has been having an affair with Cory Lewandowski for years......
She was a money and power hungry fake anyways.........If Trump does select her anyways then he is a moron....And we can expect more bad choices from him......
Just like when he said he was "going to have Hillary arrested and prosecuted" but didn't follow through....Instead Hillary/Biden/Obama had Trump arrested and prosecuted...
He should have buried her like he said.....
She only wrote that book to get selected as VP.....She disgusts me....Same as every politician does.....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/30/2024 02:55 AM.
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It is a bit ironic that she wrote that book thinking it would help her political career. And, hopefully, Trump has learned from holding back. If he gets back into office I hope he doesn't wimp out on anything. At the moment, I'm hoping they don't find a way to get him in jail, deny secret service protection and Epstein him.
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Sorry for the late response. I know the topic is stale but personal issues delayed my response.
=================== Fahrenheit451 posted: In her book the exact quote was " She took her 14 month old female dog to the gravel pit and shot her because she was less than worthless, untrainable, and had killed and eaten several chickens"....
Her dog also "ruined a pheasant hunt when she went out of her mind with excitement"
Noem also says in her book " she had to kill a mean and nasty goat in the same gravel pit"....
Response: Remember, there are only a few quotes presented out of pages of text that may have justified Noem's actions. Do you really trust the MSM to include anything that would justify her actions? Remember Charles Gibson's "Exact words" trick on Sarah Palin? "Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God." His quote was exact but he left out three preceding words: "I pray that" It changes the meaning entirely and the forum board I was frequenting at the time went wild about how her "exact words" indicated she was a religious nut. The media has no qualms about telling the public how to interpret the phrases they choose to highlight.
Unless Noem wrote the book in third person, you prove my point. Those are not "exact" quotes but probably quotes of someone paraphrasing the out-of-context quotes. Your opinion was shaped by someone else's interpretation. The ability to the MSM to shape opinion that easily is frightening and I believe the sad state our country is the result of that ability.
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Sorry for the late response. I know the topic is stale but personal issues delayed my response.
============= Scooby posted: It was poor judgement to fail to train a dog properly and rehome it when things didn't work out.
Response: Whether she was a poor trainer or the dog was untrainable doesn't really matter. The result is she had an uncontrollable 60 pound dog to contend with. I believe the dog was rehomed to Noem because of "aggressive behavior." The article I read didn't indicate how old the dog was when Noem got it. I guess the smart thing to do would have been to pass the troublesome dog with its problems on to someone else, but to me, that would have been unethical.
Here's a quote from a site that deals with behavioral euthanasia (https://k9infocus.com/losing-lulu/): "As a founder of a rescue & longtime foster, it sounds cliche, but people are looking for a pet; not a project. It's neither fair nor ethical to put dangerous dogs out into the community. Every single time I can remember that we 'took a chance' on an iffy dog, the dog ended up ultimately euthanized anyway, but after causing a lot of physical and/or emotional damage to the family, both human and canine."
============= Scooby posted: She didn't expect the dog to be excited after coming back from a pheasant hunt? She claims to have been training the dog to go after fowl. Well, she got it.
Response: Bird hunting dogs are trained to point, flush, and retrieve--not kill. The dogs are trained not to damage the birds they retrieve. From what I gather, Noem took the dog to the hunt in the vain hope that it would emulate the other dogs.
============= Scooby posted: Everything about this sounds like she was pissed off at a puppy and shot it.
Response: This "puppy" was a sixty pound dog old enough to have puppies herself. I can only speculate that Noem was not only angry but scared. Imagine a 60 pound snarling dog turning on you. You talk about rehoming in a farming community. I suspect every farm has chickens. When they get a dog, they expect it to protect, not slaughter, the chickens. It is very difficult to train a dog not to kill more chickens after it has done so. Who is going to take such a dog?
============= Scooby posted: Being stupid enough to write about it in a self promoting book, that is a whole new brand of stupid.
Response: Putting down an animal is an unpleasant task and she had a right to feel it was a commendable action. The reaction to it indicates both the MSM presentation and the difference in perspective between city folk and farmers. I will go into this in more detail when I respond to Cheyenne.
============= Scooby posted: Why does it matter how old her daughter was? People don't let vicious puppies around their children or take them on pheasant hunts.
Response: My apologies. I was mixing up the past and present. It was stupid of me. Because of that stupidity, I didn't appropriately respond to your question: "Why would anyone allow a dog who was a danger to people around her children?" My guess she relied on the fact that that breed is known for being good companions and, though uncontrollable, didn't show violent tenancies until that fateful day.
============= Scooby posted: Noem's own words and actions are my source. Media narrative? Gimme a break. That is a cop out for you to say that. I don't give a fuck what the media says. These facts speak for themselves.
Response: As I mentioned in my latest Post to Fahrenheit451, your perception is based on the quotes the MSM provided and their interpretation of those quotes. They did not include any justifying circumstances.
============= Scooby posted: She did what needed to be done? I haven't read this anywhere.
Response: Perhaps if you had more to read than the MSM selected and guided quotes. She did indicate she felt the dog was dangerous.
============= Scooby posted: She tried to make a connection between the killing of animals and serving the country. How stupid.
Response: The difference may well be the difference in culture of the farm community and city folk. I touch on that subject in my current response to Cheyenne.
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Sorry for the late response. I know the topic is stale but personal issues delayed my response.
=============== Cheyenne posted: Chuck, respectfully, who is doing the spinning? Her daughter may be a married adult now. This happened 20 years ago when Noem was 32. Did she have a married adult daughter at that time?
Response: It wasn't spin, it was stupidity on my part. I got my time lines mixed up and my response to Scooby was inappropriate. I address that in my current post to him.
=============== Cheyenne posted: Now, let's talk about the goat. She described it as being an uncastrated ill tempered male that smelled and was "Nasty." What did she expect from a goat? They are hilarious to watch and cute.
Response: There is no reference as to why they had the goat in the first place and what they expected from it. Farm animals are acquired to help the farm. They are not petting zoos. When animals are no longer contributors, it is insane to keep them. Farmers don't have the luxury of spending hours and resources tending to unproductive animals, no matter how cute or funny.
Putting down an animal is not a pleasant task. It is to Noem's credit that she took on the task and didn't delegate or pass the task to someone else. I suspect her farming peers felt the same way. She commented about the incident because, in the farming community, it is a virtue to take responsibility and and not kick problems down the road for others to contend with like professional politicians do. She didn't anticipate the reactions of city folk who don't have experience with animals except for those who have a pet or two. My opinion might be influenced because, when we had a dog, he had 100 acres available to roam. To me, having a large dog with only a small yard is irresponsible. (My wife and I have discussed this well before this incident, so I'm not just creating this view point for this discussion.) There are different views between farmers and city folk as to what is considered cruel and necessary. I feel sorry for the dog that is cooped up all day waiting for its jailer to take him for a walk that, of necessity, is limited by a leash. We all have our own view as to what should be considered cruel. Here's a comment from a site devoted to behavioral euthanasia (https://k9infocus.com/losing-lulu/): "As a founder of a rescue & longtime foster, it sounds cliche, but people are looking for a pet; not a project. It's neither fair nor ethical to put dangerous dogs out into the community. Every single time I can remember that we 'took a chance' on an iffy dog, the dog ended up ultimately euthanized anyway, but after causing a lot of physical and/or emotional damage to the family, both human and canine."
=============== Cheyenne posted: You can blame this on media spin all you want. You can say that the posters here are falling for a narrative. But, it isn't the case. Every poster here is going by her own words.
Response: Of course the posters here are falling for a narrative. Most here think of the dog as an exuberant puppy and that Noem is a trigger-happy animal killer.
The three examples I provided in my first response to you shows how the MSM takes limited segments and creates their own narrative. I have yet to see one mention about the dog's size in any accounts. I've only seen one reference about the dog being rehomed to Noem because of its aggressive behavior. The dog is often referred to as a puppy though she was old enough to have puppies herself. The media would have you think shooting a dog is more cruel than dragging it to a strange place with strangers holding it down while while they euthanize it. There is no mention of the fact that rehoming a chicken killer is virtually impossible where chickens are common. There is no concern expressed about the danger of a dog that would turn on its owner. The "own words" are carefully selected from several pages of text that can provide background, context, and justification.
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Nobody "shapes my opinion" including and especially MSM....
I was just stating a fact that her political career is over......It doesn't matter how she or anyone else slices and dices it....She shot her dog... (a puppy actually) That won't look good to the millions of animal lovers.....Trump needs to distance himself from her.....
In my opinion she was all about the money anyways....Just like the rest of them....Personally there isn't a single VP contender that I like....
Any of these people who write books are only writing them to capitalize off the bad situations we have in this country.....This includes everyone in the media who writes a book too.....They are all frauds...Just my opinion.....
The How to be a Politician 101 rule book says on page 1:
Don't write a book telling the world that you shot your 14 month old puppy.....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/11/2024 03:41 AM.
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Fahrenheit451 posted: Nobody "shapes my opinion" including and especially MSM....
Response: The man doth protest too much, methinks.
=================== Fahrenheit451 posted: I was just stating a fact that her political career is over...
Response: I'm not disputing that. My point is the MSM tactic of creating a molehill and making a mountain out of it is very effective. They have killed many political careers with it.
=================== Fahrenheit451 posted: (a puppy actually)
Response: Again you prove my point. That is exactly the image the MSM wants you to have. Very effective, wouldn't you say?
=================== Fahrenheit451 posted: Personally there isn't a single VP contender that I like....
Response: Is there anyone you do like?
=================== Fahrenheit451 posted: The How to be a Politician 101 rule book says on page 1:
Don't write a book telling the world that you shot your 14 month old puppy.....
Response: She didn't. The MSM redefined the definition of puppy and you bought it.
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Chuck, most of us who have raised dogs know that it isn't until around the 2 year mark that they are fully into adulthood. Sure, a dog can get pregnant before then just like a 12 year old girl can. But, that doesn't mean she's not a child.
This isn't the old days of Little House on the Prairie. There are suburbs where people don't have chickens. I doubt seriously that they dog was given to her because it was aggressive. The breed is known to make great family dogs. It doesn't make sense that a mother of 2 would take an aggressive dog. Noem, herself, described the dog as being playful and happy. There are so many inconsistencies and contradiction in her story. This is a country of dog lovers.
As for the goat, it is a story that doesn't make sense either. I've already pointed on why.
There is no sense in continuing to go back and forth on this. I'm with the rest of the country who believes she's unhinged and kills animals out of frustration. And, there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many. But, it is unfair to throw that at everyone.
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Cheyenne Posted: Chuck, most of us who have raised dogs know that it isn't until around the 2 year mark that they are fully into adulthood. Sure, a dog can get pregnant before then just like a 12 year old girl can. But, that doesn't mean she's not a child.
Response: Not that it matters but the age equivalence for that breed at 14 months is about 20 human years.
To call a dog a puppy after it is a year old is an attempt to emotionally classify it in someone's mind that it is at the beginning of its growth, not the end. Calling a 14 month, 60 pound dog a puppy is misleading and rewrites most definitions of puppy. (Most sources state under a year and under 25 pounds)
=============== Cheyenne Posted: This isn't the old days of Little House on the Prairie. There are suburbs where people don't have chickens.
Response: But it isn't that much different from Little House. South Dakota is one of the least densely populated states. Tennessee is more than 10 times as dense as South Dakota. That means on average, you have to go ten times as far to find a suitable home or facility. As to facilities, with one tenth the demand, there may not be enough need for them to even exist except in the cities. I believe that a dog that size and raised on a farm would be miserable and probably rebellious if placed in a facility or a suburban home with a small or average yard.
=============== Cheyenne Posted: I doubt seriously that they dog was given to her because it was aggressive. The breed is known to make great family dogs. It doesn't make sense that a mother of 2 would take an aggressive dog. Noem, herself, described the dog as being playful and happy. There are so many inconsistencies and contradiction in her story.
Response: I read aggressive but maybe they meant troublesome/untrainable or aggressive toward other animals. I don't know, but you don't either. Given only MSM selected quotes, there is no way to accurately assess the behavior and circumstances of the dog's upbringing. Since the primary source of information is the MSM selected quotes, it is hard to reconcile apparent "inconsistencies and contradiction in her story." Remember the example of Gibson/Palin where the withholding of just three words imparted the image of a religious nut. As to "playful and happy" and breed characteristics: That behavior doesn't preclude an unexpected characteristic trait from emerging. Did you watch the video I provided a link to? If you are a cat lover, you will enjoy it. For your convenience, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1k4wNXfDB8 I suspect the dog in the video was happy, playful, and good around kids or he wouldn't have been allowed loose. Once his aggressive nature was revealed, he was euthanized. Noem had a similar awakening.
=============== Cheyenne Posted: This is a country of dog lovers.
Responsive: That's why this smear tactic was so effective.
=============== Cheyenne Posted: As for the goat, it is a story that doesn't make sense either. I've already pointed on why.
Response: And I took a long time explaining why it does make sense, yet you don't even acknowledge the points I made, let alone address them.
=============== Cheyenne Posted: There is no sense in continuing to go back and forth on this.
Response: You're right when counter points are ignored and the initial claims are reiterated.
=============== Cheyenne Posted: I'm with the rest of the country who believes she's unhinged and kills animals out of frustration. And,there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many . But, it is unfair to throw that at everyone.
Response: The "rest of the country" is informed by quotes selected by the MSM. The "rest of the country" lives in proximity of shelters, training facilities, medical options, etc. The "rest of the country" has never had to contend with more than one or two pets/animals at a time. The "rest of the country" votes for those who pass problems on to others instead of tackling those problems themselves. From my examples in previous posts: The "rest of the country" thinks Palin believes she knows the will of God. The "rest of the country" thinks Trayvon was a frightened boy hunted down and shot because he was black. The "rest of the country" thinks Trump admitted to being a sexual predator.
You are right: "there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many." Those who own and/or control the MSM are quite effective in what they do.
You are again right: "It is unfair to throw that at everyone. That's why I try to throw it at only those who have bought into it. Just because someone agrees with the majority doesn't guarantee that point is correct.
Last edited by chuck; 05/12/2024 05:50 PM.
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Whether the dog was 14 months old or 14 years old what kind of a Barbarian shoots a dog?
Maybe it was because Noem spent too much time in the sack with Corey Lewandowski that she decided to write that book......Just saying...
And again Noem has got to be the dumbest politician in America to admit blowing her dog away....Apparently she didn't read the guide on how to be a successful politician....It's right there on page one...Never admit to shooting the family dog....
"Tennessee is 10 times better at finding a home for a dog than South Dakota"
I am going to let you in on a little secret about Tennessee and dogs....Cheyenne may agree or disagree with what I am about to say....
Most of the people who live in NY, CT and Massachusetts adopt their dogs from places like Tennessee (and Arkansas).....Why? Because a lot of people who live in Tennessee and Arkansas don't take care of their dogs period......
I adopted both of my Black Labs from a woman I know in Tennessee. (She runs an adoption agency there)......You should hear the horror stories......And truth be told, they seek out people from NY, CT and Massachusetts because we take care of our dogs.....And we give them good homes.....Not saying everyone in Tennessee is a bad dog owner but overall there is a bad reputation....
Not to mention all the kill shelters they have there......People up East don't even know what a kill shelter is....
My point is that Tennessee was a bad example for you to use to compare....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/12/2024 09:41 PM.
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He's are not entirely wrong there. Tennessee's non kill shelter's are over flowing. It is sad and shockingly irresponsible behavior from people. I have a 3 year old rescue, great dog, that someone dropped off on the side of a highway when she was about 9 months old. The one laying beside me now, is about 10 months old. BEAUTIFUL dog. Dropped off on the side of a highway. It was a community effort to take care of this dog's needs. Once he was well enough to travel, I put him in my SUV and drove him to my 3 acre property in Florida that is fenced in to get to know him and get him out of the trauma. He turned out to be the most relaxed happy dogs I've had. My fur baby dog...the one who carried me through losing my husband was a malnourished, mostly dead Boston Terrier that was too young to be weaned. 30% chance of survival. She likely came from a puppy mill and was handed to me in a dish towel at a Shoney's parking lot, unable to eat and with Parvo. People in our community come out for dogs. One had his own float in the Christmas parade because dozens of volunteers spent over a month trying to catch him.
All of this to say, it is bad in Tennessee with dogs but it is bad everywhere. Ohio and Florida are not any better. In South Florida, there are high priced dog boutiques that are horribly irresponsible in getting puppies and setting them up in fancy store fronts, before they've even passed the age of risk of Parvo. It is also important, to keep in mind, that when dealing with state stats of any kind, breaking it down by city and county can change the entire landscape. I got into this with Server some time ago when he was attacking Tennessee's crime rate. I pulled more detailed stats and showed him that it was Memphis that was dragging down the entire state's numbers.
I'm not to going read through Chuck's BS and deflection to MSM. But, if he is pulling up stats on Tennessee's unwanted dog problems and believing they are worse than every other state, then he is the buying spin. It is bad every where. It was the same in New England too. And, my new 10 month old pup is 65 pounds and will probably top out around 90. He's all pup. Maybe Chuck didn't grow up with dogs but he grew up in a country that loves them.
Also, I think highly of Chuck, even though we don't agree on all issues.
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I see you avoid addressing the points I posted to you by responding to my post to Cheyenne instead.
=================== Fahrenheit451 Posted: ...what kind of a Barbarian shoots a dog?
Response: One who considers the dog a threat.
=================== Fahrenheit451 Posted: "Tennessee is 10 times better at finding a home for a dog than South Dakota"
Response: I never said that and your putting that statement as a quote from me is disingenuous. No wonder it doesn't bother you when the MSM does it.
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Cheyenne posted: I'm not to going read through Chuck's BS and deflection to MSM.
Response: Nice to know. Now I know why you ignore points I make. They're never even read.
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Where are you getting the stats about which states have better chances of finding a home? Are you also aware that there are dog rescues networks that work together throughout the country? A dog of that age and breed would have been perfectly adoptable. There would have been a great chance, anyway. But, the dog didn't get that opportunity.
As for the humane way to put a dog down, you are incorrect that is dragged off and held down. A responsible person: 1. Doesn't do it unless it is completely necessary and all other options have been exhausted. 2. There are people who come to the home, for a nominal fee, the owner (Who hasn't proclaimed "Hate" for the dog) feeds it bacon, chocolate and comforts the dog while a pain shot is administered. After it sets in, the euthanize shot is given. This is also done at shelters, when the owners remain involved and care.
The adaptability of dogs, you do not appear to know anything about. Dismissing people who do not agree with of falling for MSM's spin of the day, does not lead to good debate. It is as effective as Hillary declaring Trump voters deplorables in an effort to deflect.
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OK here goes....
"The msm tactic of creating a molehill and making a mountain out of it is very effective"....
I agree...Maybe that's why I didn't respond....
I said I don't like any of the VP candidates....
Chuck asked "Is there anyone I do like".....
I believe I have stated enthusiastically over the years that I pretty much detest ALL career politicians and especially the "535" (which I like to call them) Republicans or Democrats....It makes no difference to me....They all capitalize off of the weak and the meek.....In fact I am of the belief that a politician creates 99.9% of all the world's problems......And millions (perhaps Billions die so that the politician can live and prosper)...
I said the dog was a puppy....
Chuck said "That is exactly the image the msm wants you to have"....
The fact is I never even heard about this story UNTIL Cheyenne posted about it....So I didn't get it from the MSM...After she posted about it I googled the topic and found out she wrote about it in her new book.....(Didn't even know she had a book)....
After reading her exact quotes in HER BOOK and in her OWN words I knew she was finished...
So you are wrong again Chuck....Falsely claiming that the MSM had an influence on me personally...
"The MSM redefined the definition of a puppy and you bought it"....
Ha, ha, ha,.....So you want to quibble with me on an argument you lost....Fine...Again I didn't watch or hear anything about this story from the MSM...I heard about it from Cheyenne...(ie: I really don't watch much TV at all) ....
However if you want to quibble about the age of the dog then so be it....I have stated that it makes no difference if the dog/puppy is 14 months old or 14 years old...You don't shoot the family dog period...Especially if you are trying DESPERATELY to become the Vice President of the United States....(which is why she wrote the book in the first place).....
For the record:
I have no problem calling a 14 month old a puppy.....My dogs are like kids anyways....And I definitely would NOT shoot them in the head if they were to pee on the floor.....
You seem to have a lot of experience in this killing of dogs business...Just for the record how many dogs, cats and goats have you killed?
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Cheyenne posted: Where are you getting the stats about which states have better chances of finding a home?
Response: I never said that and yet you direct your post to the post I made to Fahrenheit451 where I called him out for false quoting me.
I can't comment on the rest of your post because I don't know how much of my "BS" you didn't read. I don't want to repeat myself endlessly or take the time to make a post you won't read.
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Fahrenheit451 Posted: Chuck said "That is exactly the image the msm wants you to have"....
The fact is I never even heard about this story UNTIL Cheyenne posted about it....So I didn't get it from the MSM...After she posted about it I googled the topic and found out she wrote about it in her new book.....(Didn't even know she had a book)....
After reading her exact quotes in HER BOOK and in her OWN words I knew she was finished...
So you are wrong again Chuck....Falsely claiming that the MSM had an influence on me personally...
Response: I also had never heard of the story until Cheyenne's post. When I searched, all I found were quotes pulled out by the MSM and commentary based on those quotes. Frankly I'm skeptical that you have read her book as you claim. However, if you indeed have access to her book, can you tell me if she related how she acquired the dog in the first place? I'm sincerely curious about that.
If, as I suspect, you got your information from Cheyenne or other commentary that relied on the MSM selected excerpts, then I'm right again and you were suckered.
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You are right that I'm not responding to all of your points. Why? You are insulting me and deflecting from MY points, that came from MY OWN thoughts and were based solely on Noem's own words and stated actions. It is a LAME response to accuse the posters here who disagree with you being too stupid to think for themselves. You've posted with me and F451 long enough to know that we don't blindly follow or even trust the media.
As far as the dog's age in people years. The rule of thumb is to multiple the dogs age by 7, for all breeds. That would put the dog under 9 years old in people years. The calculation is subject to begin with. To most dog owner's standard, dog's don't start approaching adulthood until 2 years old. Even this, your flipping out over people calling a 14 month old a puppy is minutia. Use whatever term you want. The dog was said to be a happy and playful 14 month old. That says puppy to me, not some disingenuous media station.
Most of the points on your list have already been discussed. You keep harping on them over and over. Rehoming a dog that is not in an appropriate environment is not passing on problems. My recently adopted 10 month old pup wouldn't stay home. I knew this going in. I've had him one on one for 2 days. He's already coming when called and knows his boundaries on my land. I have the time to do what the original owner and the couple who found him didn't. He needed a stay at home mom or retiree. He would have also made a great service dog. There are people who take all kinds of behavior issues, from big to small. People know going in and are screened to make make sure they are truly a good fit.
Noem didn't even try. Once again, that breed at that age, would have found a home. You've never been involved in animal rescue have you? There is a national network. Then, there is this magical thing called the internet. It is likely someone in a South Dakota suburb would have taken him.
Again, there is no use of responding to you because you keep coming at me with the same BS and ignoring my points. I don't believe Noem. Her story on the dog and the goat do not make sense and are self contradicting.
Now you are trying to bring Martin up AGAIN? Let's drop, Chuck. It is going no where.
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I didn't say I read her whole book....I said I read her exact quotes from that book which discussed the dog and goat she killed in her backyard ditch......She wrote a couple of paragraphs about the subject......
That fact remains that she shot her dog and goat because they were useless and worthless to her...Period...
And why do you care so much about this career money and power hungry politician for anyways?
She is NOT going to date you....She is already messing around with Corey Lewandowski.....And she is not going to save you from this corrupt government...
You are the one who gets fooled by these slick talking politicians not me....I see right through all of them....
Trump wasn't going to pick her anyways....What the HELL does he need someone from South Dakota for...He already has that state in the bag...
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/13/2024 11:10 AM.