Posted by Scooby:
It was not a character attack. It was exposing her horrible lack of judgement.
You have yet to support your contention that the act was poor judgement.
It can be argued that writing about it was poor judgement politically.
Posted by Scooby:
It does not sound like a potentially dangerous situation.
A 60 pound dog that cannot be controlled and attempts to bite sounds dangerous to me.
Noem thought it was dangerous and she was there.
Posted by Scooby:
The breed is known to be gentle with people.
This individual dog apparently was different.
Posted by Scooby:
Her daughter came home and asked where her dog, Cricket, was.
Why would anyone allow a dog who was a danger to people around her children?
Her daughter is a married adult.
Posted by Scooby:
She added that she hated the dog.
Does one have to love a dangerous dog before they can take action?
Posted by Scooby:
I'm not buying it. It isn't falling for anything the media said.
Yet your primary source that you base you opinion is from excerpts provided by the media, a media that will do anything to hamper Trump and his supporters.
No, You fell for the media narration hook, line, and sinker.
Posted by Scooby:
She was looking to make herself look like a badass.
More like she is indicating that she is capable of doing what is needed to be done despite it not being easy.
Posted by Scooby:
What she did was repulsive to millions of American voters.
The media spun it to make it seem repulsive.
Posted by Scooby:
Cheyenne was right that it was stupid to put this in a book. It was stupid to put a book out when hoping to be on a presidential ticket.
So bottom line; It's more important to be a polished savvy politician than a capable stateswoman.
Posted by Scooby:
The Trump pussy tape was blown out of context. That isn't what happened here.
It's exactly what happened here--and for the same reason.