I was going by Noem's own words in happy and playful. A 12 month old dog is still a pup. It was said to be 14 months old. But, either way, that dog was a good way from the maturity of an adult. Noem did not indicate the dog was a danger to people. Thank you for pointing out the breed. These dogs are known to be great with people, including children. When a dog goes to a shelter, it is accessed carefully and adoptees screened to make the dog is in a suitable situation for the new owners and the dog. I stay connected with the local shelter here and do some work for them. I see a lot of dogs come and go, including ones that need special circumstances. Jumping out of a truck and killing chickens does not make it a vicious dog that should be killed by it's owner.

One of my rescues is tremendously gentle with people of all ages and other dogs. But, she has strong prey instincts. She will bring the occasional dead possum home, after her nightly romp through the woods. Once she manged to sneak a live one into the house. The timing of this article is interesting because part of my family owns 80 acres in a farm town in Ohio. My nephew and I plan on keeping a close eye and, even going to the extent of a shock collar, before letting her run the land. We need to know if she will bother the goats or chickens. Just as when people introduce dogs to other dogs, they need to use common sense and caution.

I agree the media went after Palin unfairly and was disgusted by it. This, story, in Noem's own words, is costing her the support of conservatives like me. People love their dogs in this country. Just as Golden Retrievers and Labs are known to be gentle dogs, so is this breed: "Affectionate, Willful, Intelligent, Friendly, Loyal, Active and is considered to be an excellent in home companion for families with children. It would be 1 in 100 million to find vicious one. " What Noem describes makes this dog seem more of a Marley and Me type dog that was not fit to be a farm dog. This is coming from my own words, not the distortion of the media.

Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/28/2024 02:04 PM.