Sorry for the late response. I know the topic is stale but personal issues delayed my response.

Fahrenheit451 posted:
In her book the exact quote was " She took her 14 month old female dog to the gravel pit and shot her because she was less than worthless, untrainable, and had killed and eaten several chickens"....

Her dog also "ruined a pheasant hunt when she went out of her mind with excitement"

Noem also says in her book " she had to kill a mean and nasty goat in the same gravel pit"....

Remember, there are only a few quotes presented out of pages of text that may have justified Noem's actions.
Do you really trust the MSM to include anything that would justify her actions?
Remember Charles Gibson's "Exact words" trick on Sarah Palin?
"Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God."
His quote was exact but he left out three preceding words: "I pray that"
It changes the meaning entirely and the forum board I was frequenting at the time went wild about how her "exact words" indicated she was a religious nut.
The media has no qualms about telling the public how to interpret the phrases they choose to highlight.

Unless Noem wrote the book in third person, you prove my point. Those are not "exact" quotes but probably quotes of someone paraphrasing the out-of-context quotes.
Your opinion was shaped by someone else's interpretation.
The ability to the MSM to shape opinion that easily is frightening and I believe the sad state our country is the result of that ability.