Cheyenne Posted:
As far as the dog's age in people years. The rule of thumb is to multiple the dogs age by 7, for all breeds.

That rule of thumb has been shown to be invalid for young dogs years ago.
Regardless, the term puppy imparts a vision of a dog under a year and under 30 pounds.
The goal of the left-wing spinners (MSM for short) is to impart that image.

Cheyenne Posted:
You've never been involved in animal rescue have you?

I've only had three dogs in my life.
One was a hound that had the freedom of acres of land.
We rehomed him with neighbors who had ample space when we moved to California where we would be limited to an average back yard.
We then got a Chihuahua because we liked having a dog and we felt the yard was large enough for him.
We enjoyed him but lost him after a short time and replaced him by rehoming another Chihuahua that had behavior issues.
My mom felt we could turn him around with a loving environment but it was a disaster.
It sounds funny when I say we were terrorized by that ankle biter, but it wasn't pleasant for us or the dog.

Sorry, I digress. I do not have experience with animal shelters or facilities that perform behavioral euthanasia.
My search found this quote (I posted it previously but I have no inkling as to whether you bothered to read it or not):
"As a founder of a rescue & longtime foster, it sounds cliche, but people are looking for a pet; not a project. It's neither fair nor ethical to put dangerous dogs out into the community. Every single time I can remember that we 'took a chance' on an iffy dog, the dog ended up ultimately euthanized anyway, but after causing a lot of physical and/or emotional damage to the family, both human and canine."
- source -

Cheyenne Posted:
There is a national network. Then, there is this magical thing called the internet. It is likely someone in a South Dakota suburb would have taken him.

Again, South Dakota has a sparse population.
On average, the closest candidate for rehoming is over 10 times as far as in Tennessee.
Finding a home for a chicken killing dog that has turned on its owner may not have been feasible.

Cheyenne Posted:
Again, there is no use of responding to you because you keep coming at
me with the same BS and ignoring my points.

I wouldn't have to repeat my "BS" if you would respond to it.
Tell me you didn't watch the video for what ever reason,
Tell me the quote I linked to doesn't apply,
Tell me that farming life traits are less moral than city life traits,
But please don't just say it's BS and proudly spout off that you don't intend to read it.
You say you want conversation on this board but you stifle it.
I don't know if you are even going to read this post.

Cheyenne Posted:
I don't believe Noem. Her story on the dog and the goat do not make sense and are self contradicting.

Fine. I had my shot at showing you another perspective and failed.

That wasn't my point anyway, namely the MSM creates the narrative.
Unless you used a source that contextualizes the MSM selected quotes, your perception is that narrative.

Cheyenne Posted:
Now you are trying to bring Martin up AGAIN? Let's drop, Chuck. It is going no where.

Martin is a perfect example of MSM creating a false image and using edited quotes.
It had major implications that sparked BLM demonstrations and riots.

Last edited by chuck; 05/14/2024 07:11 AM.