Chuck, I read most of your posts. But, the dismissal of people's independent opinions as being foolish enough to follow media hype is not cool. Believe what you will but, it is quite naive not to realize that people are exercising independent thought. The first thing I do when reading an article is go directly to the source, as I did with this situation.
There is no question that a lot of people in this country despise what Noem did. There are certainly a noticeable number that defend her too. But, that backlash and career nose dive wouldn't be happening if she hadn't of upset a lot of people.
I've been trying to find the exact area to show you that there were suburbs within reach, which there probably were. Even if not, people rescue from all over the country. There is a national network that was well set up 20 years ago when this happened. It came about with the internet. I've read a lot of exerts from Noem's books and watched a variety of her interviews. I never trust the media not to take selected quotes out of context. I will say that when searching for the exact area, I came across a lot of articles and op eds that reflected my personal views. I was surprised because some of the things I came away with after reading as much objective facts of the matter, so did the msm. It wasn't the other way around. The facts of the matter speak for themselves.
Again, you are getting hung up on the term puppy. It has not been hidden that the dog was 14 months old. People can think of the canine in whatever terms they will. The dog lovers I know think of that as a pup. But, 14 months, by whatever term, is 14 months. I've not come across anything that misrepresents an image of a 12 month old baby pup.
The circumstances in this case are pretty clear. People can conclude from them what they will, without leaning on anyone else to form their opinions. It was not a problem for me. There was no stopping the dog once in was in the coop. Yes, I have had stray dogs go after me. When I was in Costa Rica, I took a tasty bite and had to get antibotics. But, it was my fault, not the pack of little knee high ankle biters. I turned down the wrong street on my four wheeler looking for a friend's house in a remote area. The not so welcoming committee was only protecting their hood. My own dog turn on me and try to bite me? No...but I was never a ranting, angry lunatic, going after it with the intention of dragging it a gravel pit and kill it.
It is being speculated that Trump may still be considering her for VP. Hopefully, he isn't that stupid. Aside from getting thrown in jail or some legal acrobats by the Democrats, that is probably the only thing that could stop Trump. If he loses voters like me and my family, he can lose anyone over this Noem business.
On a final note about the media machine, what Biden did with his 2 year old pup, was horribly irresponsible and very likely resulted in the dog's premature death. That got very little discussion in the press, as compared with Noem. Noem's was more graphic but both were, in my opinion, telling of the kind of people they are.
Also, we've had so much back and forth here. I didn't see the video. Do you have the link handy?