Fahrenheit451 Posted:
Chuck said "That is exactly the image the msm wants you to have"....
The fact is I never even heard about this story UNTIL Cheyenne posted about it....So I didn't get it from the MSM...After she posted about it I googled the topic and found out she wrote about it in her new book.....(Didn't even know she had a book)....
After reading her exact quotes in HER BOOK and in her OWN words I knew she was finished...
So you are wrong again Chuck....Falsely claiming that the MSM had an influence on me personally...
I also had never heard of the story until Cheyenne's post.
When I searched, all I found were quotes pulled out by the MSM and commentary based on those quotes.
Frankly I'm skeptical that you have read her book as you claim.
However, if you indeed have access to her book, can you tell me if she related how she acquired the dog in the first place?
I'm sincerely curious about that.
If, as I suspect, you got your information from Cheyenne or other commentary that relied on the MSM selected excerpts, then I'm right again and you were suckered.