I think Chuck got beat up on this topic.....

The bottom line:

Anyone who shoots and kills a 14 month old puppy because "it was untrainable and ruined a pheasant hunt" is a sick violent/murderous sociopath.....Plain and simple.....

Maybe Chuck has a crush on Noem? But he has to stand in line because she has been having an affair with Cory Lewandowski for years......

She was a money and power hungry fake anyways.........If Trump does select her anyways then he is a moron....And we can expect more bad choices from him......

Just like when he said he was "going to have Hillary arrested and prosecuted" but didn't follow through....Instead Hillary/Biden/Obama had Trump arrested and prosecuted...

He should have buried her like he said.....

She only wrote that book to get selected as VP.....She disgusts me....Same as every politician does.....

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/30/2024 02:55 AM.