Chuck, respectfully, who is doing the spinning? Her daughter may be a married adult now. This happened 20 years ago when Noem was 32. Did she have a married adult daughter at that time?

Now, let's talk about the goat. She described it as being an uncastrated ill tempered male that smelled and was "Nasty." What did she expect from a goat? They are hilarious to watch and cute. But known to be ill tempered, especially males. Why were her children even in the same area as the goats? Most farmers castrate male goats between 8 and 12 weeks of age, the exception being when they send them off to be processed early. So, she decided to shoot it because it was everything that goats are. Her stories make no sense. She does not paint herself to be a responsible mother or farmer with this or the puppy story. She sounds a little too eager to shoot animals that get on her nerves, even domesticated ones.

You can blame this on media spin all you want. You can say that the posters here are falling for a narrative. But, it isn't the case. Every poster here is going by her own words.

Last edited by Cheyenne; 04/29/2024 12:04 PM.