In her book the exact quote was " She took her 14 month old female dog to the gravel pit and shot her because she was less than worthless, untrainable, and had killed and eaten several chickens"....

Her dog also "ruined a pheasant hunt when she went out of her mind with excitement"

Noem also says in her book " she had to kill a mean and nasty goat in the same gravel pit"....

Noem is finished politically........Maybe somebody will take her to that same "gravel pit".....

But the bottom line is who really gives a shit about any of these career politicians...Do you need any of them in your life? Are you not smart enough to live your own life without the "guidance" and interference from these career snake oil politicians...I say the world would be a better place without ALL of them...And without the media too.....

And what the HELL is she doing writing a book anyways ? I thought she was supposed to be a "servant of the people".....Oh yeah I forgot...All politicians capitalize off of their positions and she is no different.....And suckers like you will buy her book.....And make her wealthy......

And on and on this cycle continues.....

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/29/2024 02:45 AM.