Posted by Fahrenheit451:
She blew away a dog with a firearm...
So your objection is about the method of euthanasia she used?
Fire arms are quick and have been used on horses as well.
Is that more cruel than having a frightened dog held by strangers while being stabbed with a needle?
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
She is toast just like Cheyenne and Scooby said...
Yeah. The liberal machine will effectively spin nothing into an effective political weapon.
Sad that you, of all people, also fell for it.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
There weren't too many farms in Queens or the Greenwich area...
That's what I thought. It seemed like you were relying on big city solutions to solve rural problems.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
Their dog did go after the chickens but they didn't blow its head off with a shut gun...
To my knowledge "shut guns" are not legal in New York.
Actually I did live on a 100 acre farm in Michigan when I was in grade school.
We had a hound dog named "Thunder Thumper Thinkin Thumtin" plus our surname. Yes, as the surname implies, he was considered family.
Believe it or not, we usually just called him "Thunder."
My dad had a favorite rooster named Rosko. Believe it or not, we often called him "Rosko the Rooster" because it sounded neat.
One morning, my dad saw Rosko's foot sticking up from the ground. Thunder had buried his "treasure" after killing him.
No, we didn't shoot him. We couldn't even bawl him out. How can you tell a dog he's done something wrong well after the fact?
However, If any of us saw him going after Rosko, I'm confident any of us (myself included) could have shouted "no" and Thunder would stop and look at us with contrite eyes as only a hound dog can.
HOWEVER, if Thunder was like Noem's dog, and continued his attack after one of us said "no" and then attempt to bite if one of us tried to restrain him, it would be a different story.
A trust would have been broken and he would not be allowed to be around my sister or myself. If that was not practical, he probably would have been euthanized.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
Wrong it wasn't a character attack because she actually admitted blowing her dog away with a gun...
You're wrong. The attack on her character implied, if not stated, the killing of the dog was unjustified and cruel.--It was neither.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
"I gripe about all politicians being evil"
And I am usually correct about this...
You are also part of the cause when you support the unwarranted attacks on those who might replace them.