Whether the dog was 14 months old or 14 years old what kind of a Barbarian shoots a dog?
Maybe it was because Noem spent too much time in the sack with Corey Lewandowski that she decided to write that book......Just saying...
And again Noem has got to be the dumbest politician in America to admit blowing her dog away....Apparently she didn't read the guide on how to be a successful politician....It's right there on page one...Never admit to shooting the family dog....
"Tennessee is 10 times better at finding a home for a dog than South Dakota"
I am going to let you in on a little secret about Tennessee and dogs....Cheyenne may agree or disagree with what I am about to say....
Most of the people who live in NY, CT and Massachusetts adopt their dogs from places like Tennessee (and Arkansas).....Why? Because a lot of people who live in Tennessee and Arkansas don't take care of their dogs period......
I adopted both of my Black Labs from a woman I know in Tennessee. (She runs an adoption agency there)......You should hear the horror stories......And truth be told, they seek out people from NY, CT and Massachusetts because we take care of our dogs.....And we give them good homes.....Not saying everyone in Tennessee is a bad dog owner but overall there is a bad reputation....
Not to mention all the kill shelters they have there......People up East don't even know what a kill shelter is....
My point is that Tennessee was a bad example for you to use to compare....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/12/2024 09:41 PM.