Cheyenne Posted:
Chuck, most of us who have raised dogs know that it isn't until around the 2 year mark that they are fully into adulthood. Sure, a dog can get pregnant before then just like a 12 year old girl can. But, that doesn't mean she's not a child.
Not that it matters but the age equivalence for that breed at 14 months is about 20 human years.
To call a dog a puppy after it is a year old is an attempt to emotionally classify it in someone's mind that it is at the beginning of its growth, not the end.
Calling a 14 month, 60 pound dog a puppy is misleading and rewrites most definitions of puppy. (Most sources state under a year and under 25 pounds)
Cheyenne Posted:
This isn't the old days of Little House on the Prairie. There are suburbs where people don't have chickens.
But it isn't that much different from Little House.
South Dakota is one of the least densely populated states. Tennessee is more than 10 times as dense as South Dakota.
That means on average, you have to go ten times as far to find a suitable home or facility.
As to facilities, with one tenth the demand, there may not be enough need for them to even exist except in the cities.
I believe that a dog that size and raised on a farm would be miserable and probably rebellious if placed in a facility or a suburban home with a small or average yard.
Cheyenne Posted:
I doubt seriously that they dog was given to her because it was aggressive. The breed is known to make great family dogs. It doesn't make sense that a mother of 2 would take an aggressive dog. Noem, herself, described the dog as being playful and happy. There are so many inconsistencies and contradiction in her story.
I read aggressive but maybe they meant troublesome/untrainable or aggressive toward other animals.
I don't know, but you don't either.
Given only MSM selected quotes, there is no way to accurately assess the behavior and circumstances of the dog's upbringing.
Since the primary source of information is the MSM selected quotes, it is hard to reconcile apparent "inconsistencies and contradiction in her story."
Remember the example of Gibson/Palin where the withholding of just three words imparted the image of a religious nut.
As to "playful and happy" and breed characteristics: That behavior doesn't preclude an unexpected characteristic trait from emerging.
Did you watch the video I provided a link to? If you are a cat lover, you will enjoy it.
For your convenience, here's the link:
I suspect the dog in the video was happy, playful, and good around kids or he wouldn't have been allowed loose.
Once his aggressive nature was revealed, he was euthanized.
Noem had a similar awakening.
Cheyenne Posted:
This is a country of dog lovers.
That's why this smear tactic was so effective.
Cheyenne Posted:
As for the goat, it is a story that doesn't make sense either. I've already pointed on why.
And I took a long time explaining why it does make sense, yet you don't even acknowledge the points I made, let alone address them.
Cheyenne Posted:
There is no sense in continuing to go back and forth on this.
You're right when counter points are ignored and the initial claims are reiterated.
Cheyenne Posted:
I'm with the rest of the country who believes she's unhinged and kills animals out of frustration. And,there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many . But, it is unfair to throw that at everyone.
The "rest of the country" is informed by quotes selected by the MSM.
The "rest of the country" lives in proximity of shelters, training facilities, medical options, etc.
The "rest of the country" has never had to contend with more than one or two pets/animals at a time.
The "rest of the country" votes for those who pass problems on to others instead of tackling those problems themselves.
From my examples in previous posts:
The "rest of the country" thinks Palin believes she knows the will of God.
The "rest of the country" thinks Trayvon was a frightened boy hunted down and shot because he was black.
The "rest of the country" thinks Trump admitted to being a sexual predator.
You are right: "there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many."
Those who own and/or control the MSM are quite effective in what they do.
You are again right: "It is unfair to throw that at everyone.
That's why I try to throw it at only those who have bought into it.
Just because someone agrees with the majority doesn't guarantee that point is correct.
Last edited by chuck; 05/12/2024 05:50 PM.