Chuck, most of us who have raised dogs know that it isn't until around the 2 year mark that they are fully into adulthood. Sure, a dog can get pregnant before then just like a 12 year old girl can. But, that doesn't mean she's not a child.

This isn't the old days of Little House on the Prairie. There are suburbs where people don't have chickens.
I doubt seriously that they dog was given to her because it was aggressive. The breed is known to make great family dogs. It doesn't make sense that a mother of 2 would take an aggressive dog. Noem, herself, described the dog as being playful and happy. There are so many inconsistencies and contradiction in her story. This is a country of dog lovers.

As for the goat, it is a story that doesn't make sense either. I've already pointed on why.

There is no sense in continuing to go back and forth on this. I'm with the rest of the country who believes she's unhinged and kills animals out of frustration. And, there are some people that blindly buy into spin...sadly, too many. But, it is unfair to throw that at everyone.