Noem wrote about and discussed, in an interview, shooting a 14 month old puppy. The dog couldn't be trained to hunt and got into her chicken coup, killing a few birds. She said the dog was playful and happy. That sounds like a social dog that was still a pup and had no history of biting people. She couldn't be bothered to rehome it to a family with a fenced yard and no chickens? If Trump doesn't distance himself from this woman, liberals everywhere should rejoice. If he picks her for VP, Trump signs will be disappearing from people's yards like crazy, including in rural areas. As someone living in a rural area with a lot of farm land and doing some work with the local no kill shelter, as long as that pup was good with people, it would have found a home in less than 2 weeks.

Biden took his elderly German Shepherd, from it's life life in a serene setting and put in an unfamiliar busy White House with strangers everywhere. That wasn't good enough for him, so he got a German Shepherd pup and had it trained by the Secret Service. The man could have hired the Dog Whisperer himself. Instead, it is not professionally trained under what can be a stressful setting. When it starts biting people, he still keeps it around for photo ops. It took the dog putting a Secret Service agent in the hospital for Biden to take action. It is very likely the dog was put down. If the dog had been rehomed when it was younger and not attacked people 12 times, it could have found a great home.

But, you know what Biden didn't do? He didn't publicize his irresponsible and heartless behavior.

Trump is sunk if he doesn't distance himself from Noem. Even being on the same stage with her at his rally in North Dakota will cost him a massive amount of votes.