Fahrenheit451 posted:
I didn't say I read her whole book....I said I read her exact quotes from that book...
There is a difference when you say "you read IN the book" and "you read FROM the book."
The distinction is important because reading in the book implies context where reading quotes from the book implies out of context.
As I mentioned to Cheyenne in another post, the MSM created the narrative.
Unless you used a source that contextualizes the MSM selected quotes, your perception is that narrative.
Fahrenheit451 posted:
And why do you care so much about this career money and power hungry politician for anyways?
I care about integrity in reporting and I'm pointing out how effective this character attack tactic is.
Fahrenheit451 posted:
What the HELL does he need someone from South Dakota for...He already has that state in the bag...
Probably Trump was prioritizing someone who would do a good job over a figurehead who happens to live in a battleground state.