I didn't say I read her whole book....I said I read her exact quotes from that book which discussed the dog and goat she killed in her backyard ditch......She wrote a couple of paragraphs about the subject......
That fact remains that she shot her dog and goat because they were useless and worthless to her...Period...
And why do you care so much about this career money and power hungry politician for anyways?
She is NOT going to date you....She is already messing around with Corey Lewandowski.....And she is not going to save you from this corrupt government...
You are the one who gets fooled by these slick talking politicians not me....I see right through all of them....
Trump wasn't going to pick her anyways....What the HELL does he need someone from South Dakota for...He already has that state in the bag...
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/13/2024 11:10 AM.