[quote=chuck]Posted by Fahrenheit451:
We don't use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc" for Labradors...As a matter of fact everybody in my neighborhood has at least one dog and I have NEVER seen anyone use "cages, chains, shock collars, muzzles, etc".....
And if I did I would report them immediately.....
If one lives in as apartment, a pet is essentially caged in the rooms provided when the owner is not home.
Smaller cages are used extensively for transport.
Personally, I think it is irresponsible (if not animal abuse) to own a large dog if there are not facilities adequate for a large dog.
Many, if not most leashes are chains and are mandated in many urban areas.
Chains are also used if the available fencing is not adequate to contain the animal.
I mentioned shock collars because Cheyenne mentioned them and they are often used for training and/or fencing.
Muzzles are mandated in California in many situations, particularly for problem dogs.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
The most any responsible dog owner should do is kennel train for the first couple of months....
You never answered my question but I'm guessing you have never lived on a farm.
So who are you to criticize those who have to assure different species live in the same area?
To criticize those who have to care for more animals than a couple of pets?
To criticize those who worry about an open or broken gate or holes burrowed under a fence?
To criticize those who may not have the extra funds, time, and/or availability to kennel train one of their animals?
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
Since my dogs are labs, they train easily. Same with German Shepherds....
So you've had no experience with training except for easy dogs, yet you criticize those who encounter problems you never had to contend with.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
...I also believe that 99.9% of all dogs are NOT bad dogs.....Probably no such thing as a bad dog....Only bad dog owners....
Your belief is exists in a sea of ignorance and carries no weight.
Posted by Fahrenheit451:
As far as Trump picking her, he should NOT...
A conclusion based on a flimsy character attack and not on policies.
You gripe about all politicians being evil. Well this is an example of how we get rid of any potential good ones.
As I mentioned to another poster, it infuriates me to see how well this tactic works. [/quote]
She blew away a dog with a firearm...She is toast just like Cheyenne and Scooby said...
Re: "Did I live on a farm"
There weren't too many farms in Queens or the Greenwich area.....However my family does own 80 acres in upstate NY with horses, chickens, several goats and yes a dog...Their dog did go after the chickens but they didn't blow its head off with a shut gun...
"Muzzles are mandated in California"......I am not surprised because Illegals and cheating at the ballot boxes are mandated in that SICKO state too...So nothing surprises me there except how anyone can still live there..
Re: Trump picking her...
"Based on a flimsy character attack and not on policies"....
Wrong it wasn't a character attack because she actually admitted blowing her dog away with a gun...
"I gripe about all politicians being evil"
And I am usually correct about this...
You want the list?
Jeff Sessions
Paul Ryan
Mike Johnson
Mitt Romney
Nicky Haley
Mike Pompeo
Christopher Wray
Kevin McCarthy
Trump ENDORSED and supported everyone of these people...And ALL OF THEM have backstabbed Trump......Some are even gonna testify against him....
And these are only the names off the top of my head..
All the while the famous last words from Trump "They are good guys/gals doing a good job"....
I will go so far as to say that almost everyone on that list would have been out of politics forever if it weren't for Trump saving their corrupt asses....And getting them reelected....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/28/2024 09:35 PM.