I have been sessioning for about 40 years. For the vast majority of sessions it was always self release or some sort of stimulation by the Domme. I always expected it one way or another although one Domme I loved would sometimes send me home with instructions before I was allowed to self release.
One exception was a Domme I saw for the first time about five years ago. We had a great first session but when we were done she just held me and gave me some great aftercare but there was no release. I don’t remember if I was disappointed or not but it wasn’t a big deal. I saw her probably about 10 times over the next few years and there was never a release. I never brought it up with her but I wondered if she was like this with everyone. I meant to ask her if I was ever going to be allowed to release but never did and life changed for me and it was harder and harder to schedule and we lost touch.
Speaking generally about release I think back in the 80s 90s 00s there was a lot more release at the figurative or literal hand of the Domme and but nowdays it seems to be more self release.