First off imo cheating is in the eye of the beholder. There’s so many different lines and degrees and scenarios I can’t even begin to list them all. Some may agree with me and some may not. Thats the point. It’s complicated and everyone is different and entitled to define cheating as they wish.

Having said the above I’m married I feel I am cheating when I see a ProDomme once in awhile but I also feel it’s not to the same degree as someone having an emotional and physical affair with someone outside his marriage. For me I’ve always been good at compartmentalising. Tbh I wish I wasn’t wired this way but I don’t feel a whole lot of guilt over seeing a ProDomme or even a FSSW. I see plenty of guys who cheat with a neighbour, co-worker, acquaintance etc with varying degrees of emotional connection and commitment and I know I couldn’t or wouldn’t want to handle the turbulence ,lying and juggling that would come with it. I don’t need those kind of complications in my life. I don’t really judge people for doing this unless their behavior is causing harm to their wife or kids or something along those lines.

One last thing I’ve wondered about is the question of where and when monogamy became the norm in society and is it even natural to human beings. I’ve heard scraps of different things but haven’t read much about this and do not know.