Originally Posted by chuck
Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Trump should really go all dictator...
That's a fantasy.
An attempt to do so would indeed start the civil war you are predicting.

"It would indeed start a civil war"

I say bring it on already....What the hell are we waiting for? Mankind has been at war with each other since the Garden of Eden Days anyways...


For the record I want Trump to torch this FUCKING PATHETIC GOVERNMENT.. Set it on fire. Or as Michael Browns father said "Burn this bitch down"

These politicians have created EVERY SINGLE problem we have in this world and especially in this country..

They have created every single division in this country.

They have ruined our economy.

They have created every single war around the world

They have looted the American people for decades..

They are the only ones who have capitalized to promote their life long careers in power...Hell Nancy Fucking Pelosi is 84 years old and just did the paperwork today to run again at 86 FUCKING years old..

Any person who has ever died in any war ever died because a politician created that war....

Its too bad you are too GODDAMNED ignorant to admit this...


If Trump becomes a modern day "Hitler" then so be it
.. If it is gonna happen then let it happen....

If any of you people thinks Trump should be nice and diplomatic with these people then you are a fool..

He should torch all of it...Burn it down.. Pull a Hitler.. Do what Sadam did.. Just do it...

Start hanging people. Set a damn example...
Otherwise they will continue to KILL US.. This is a fact...

I want Trump to ride into Washington D.C. on a horse called Vengeance....I have high hopes for this.. I just hope he doesnt do what he did last time and call these enemies "Tremendous people"....

Time will tell..

And you should stop trying to act like the voice of reason because you are not....There is nothing I said about these corrupt politicians that isnt true..

I will go so far as to call every single member of congress a murderer who sold their souls...All 535.....

And you can call me what you want... But I tell it like it is..


Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 11/16/2024 03:53 AM.