How did you come across bdsm porn when you were young? I remember spending the night with a friend or going to a slumber party and as a kid and someone would show us her dad's stash of porn. There was one magazine with a g/s on the cover. It was so weird that we all just giggled. (The irony? lol.) The internet since PornHub (Thieves that they are) and Xhamster changed the accessibility to internet porn. Pornhub actually has the kahunas to sue Texas for banning access to them. There should be no porn of any kind that minors can access.
As an adult, I've been deeply disturbed by some of the Sm porn I've been showed. Insex, which I believe sold out for big bucks and shut down bothered me tremendously. If memory serves, no one was seeing their live shows if they were a minor. They were all femsub and did things like sew a young woman's lips shut and then rip it out. The next week, the same woman would be there with obviously wounded lips. I was at a convention, helping a friend who had a DVD business and they had the booth across from us. I couldn't even look in that direction. I've known women who shot with them. They talked favorably of them and said they shoot with them because they wanted to. The point being, there was some crazy content out there. As creeped out as I may have been, I've no problem with what consenting adults what to engage in, as long as animals and minors are not involved. It is easy enough for me not to look. The credit card merchants have it so tight right now that it is near impossible to film anything close to extreme content. I also don't see luck luster bored women having any lasting stay in selling videos. It is far too competitive. But, some years ago, yes, I can see that being the case.
As far as this being partisan, I can't agree. Attacking the adult industry when it is convenient and with no real knowledge is one of the few things they have in common. I was hoping this post wouldn't get political but can understand that it would it brush going in that direction. As someone who made a living in the business for 30 years, trust me, it is a bipartisan issue. It would be career suicide for a member of either party to stand up for folks with our interests.