You may well be right. You very often are. It is just too soon and not enough for my alarm bell to sound. I've read where some are saying that he had a prior stance of saying the program needs a major overhaul and was being abused. Others have declared he is backpedaling. As for his comment, that got my attention to. But, it can be misleading to glean an opinion from one brief remark. Look how many times they look one line from an entire conversation Trump had and use it out of context. Was he talking about house members that fight an well needed overhaul? Did he mean he'd play dirty tricks or battle it hard in a constructive way to pass? It is unfair the American people are left with little information on so many issues and left to speculate and field through the media machine's commentary.
Btw, our fellow poster Tristin is a senor level programmer with a vast array of experience. He has a strong opinion on the subject. He's lived it a bit of it, so I asked him to offer his opinion when he gets a chance. While I very much respect his take on this...I've watched go through changes in the job market over the years...I only 70% agree with him. But, still it would be nice to hear from someone with firsthand experience.