How is this for Musk changing his tune...

In April of 2024 (8 months ago while he was campaigning for Trump) he laid off 15,000 American workers at his Tesla plants in Texas and California.. He replaced them with foreign H-1B visa people...

"Musk has much to offer"

Sure he does because I believe he is the fucking antichrist for real... And biblical prophesies say the antichrist is gonna offer a lot..

He is a filthy disgusting Pig who belongs in a Prison cell in my opinion..

And trust me, I am days away from saying Fuck Trump too...An elitist NYC con man who has been conning the public for decades..And fuck the 14 Billionaires and dozens of Fox News Celebrities that he filled his cabinet up with too...

Like I said before: Trump needed his base to get elected and stay out of jail..Now that he won, he is basically saying thanks sucker's but see you later...

Now he has fully endorsed Mike Johnson...And please don't give me the bullshit line of "Trump has something up his sleeve"

That's how I feel and I am just giving you a heads up. But don't take my word for it.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/31/2024 07:26 PM.