Here is a good link about H-1b Visa program.'s a disaster run by the government with a lottery system and exploited by big employers... Instead of hiring Americans for jobs that REQUIRE college degrees they hire these temporary foreign born people because they pay them DIRT...
They use (LIE) the excuse that the American kids with college degrees are lazy...But it's really all about hiring slave labor...It's the same concept as Contractors (won't mention names) that hire Mexicans (who are here illegally) instead of Americans who want more money..
They may claim the Mexican worker works his ass off compared to the White American kid...I would argue that the Mexican (here illegally) is more desperate for work so he has to work his ass off for peanuts. Especially the type of work that is easily paid under the table. That's my theory...
Here is another tidbit about H-1b Visa program. Employers use the American worker who already has the job with the company to literally train the foreigner that's about to take his job. Then they fire the American who was with the company for years....It's all about the money.
Re: Planned immigration and grants
You are 100% correct on this. I researched this a few years ago because like you I was wondering why is EVERY gas station, 7-11, Hotel and Motel owned by someone usually from India...
They are given gigantic grants with our tax money to start these businesses.. This is a fact...I don't think I have ever been to a gas station or convenience store in my life that wasn't owned by someone from India....
Our government has sold its people out years ago and it's a never ending story..
Re: Gates
He belongs in HELL.. Trump should not be meeting with this guy under any circumstances.. But that's Trump. It's his M.O..
His base is furious with him right now....
As far as his agenda goes getting rid of these illegals etc.. I would bet right now that every move he makes is gonna be met with lawsuits galore from the other side....Each lawsuit is gonna delay everything he attempts to do...Just like last time...
Here is another fact.. The one thing Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy have in common is their business partners have always been the United States government or some locally greased politicians in Trumps case...
Trump practically built his entire business by greasing these sleezeballs.
Trump has exploited the system for decades and he was taught step by step on how to do it from Roy Cohn....(look up Roy Cohn)
Same with Musk... Both his Space X and Telsa companies were completely funded at their beginning from United States taxpayers money given to him by our government....And Musk is NOT even from America he is from South Africa....
Re: Ramaswamy
This should have been the biggest red flag of all. The fact that he accepted Soros money which put him through Yale Law School...
Ramaswamy was already millionaire when he accepted Soros award he said he needed to pay for law school. After he was already a millionaire.
Ramaswamy is literally an anchor baby, both of his parents WERE NOT even citizens and his father never became one...Ramaswamy is totally in favor of the H-1b program because it is mostly his people from India who are taking these jobs away from Americans.. we all know that even though Ramaswamy was born here, his real roots are in India...He is a fraud in my book.. Trump Fucked up again and will never learn..
It was never about Make America Great Again it was about Make Trump Great Again.
Trump escaped jail, he was elected King and his new Prime Minister is Elon Musk.. Trump needed his base to get elected but he has no more use for them....This was all a con..
These are facts not opinions anymore.