It is NOT true that I came to my conclusion that way. I did not believe she said that in the beginning but later realized that she did. I clearly stated that I did not believe her and she was trying to cover herself from the local stories at the time. I was not able to find the local stories from 20 years ago. Were you? A dog of that breed and age would not be violently aggressive toward people unless there were very abnormal circumstances, such as blindness or serious abuse. Like anyone else who cares about more than stupidly believing a narrative, I delved in. I did more research than most from what I can tell. I admitted when I was wrong and kept looking.
I KNOW about dogs, rural life, animal rescue and farm life. I also KNOW what I saw of her interviews and own words, FIRST HAND. Too much does not add up. We clearly disagree. You are entitled to your belief that I am was blinded by the media mob, even though is NOT even remotely accurate. But, you are entitled to that opinion. Let's not rehash it again.
I did believe it was true of Vance AT FIRST. While I have nearly zero trust or respect for the DNC, I didn't think they would make up such an outrageous thing when there is published written word that disproves it. I do wonder if something in his book was taken out of context. But, really, I don't care enough to read the entire book. As I said, there were plenty of direct quotes, right down to entire paragraphs from Noem's book but I couldn't find any couch quotes from Vance's book.
Yes, that is a quote from which I base my opinion on how horrible Vance's exact words were. He is free to believe what he wants. My concern is that his stated belief will harm Trump's opportunity to win.