Originally Posted by MissMary
When it comes to Republicans and lack of compassion, I'm referring to acting members of the government.
I was referring to the perception of Democrats about the average "deplorable" Republican.
Outside personal gain and political expediency, Republican policy generally favors the producers where Democratic policy favors the takers.
The fact that when production is discouraged, the resources available are reduced.

Originally Posted by MissMary
I have found some of their positions to be inhumane. No child should be hungry in this country.
That is not the function of the Federal Government.
The Federal Government should be concerned with foreign relations, security, and regulating interstate commerce.
Providing framework to prevent monopolies, predatory capitalism, and Constitutional violations is also in the federal domain.

Originally Posted by MissMary
No pregnant woman should be told they can't have an abortion and try to find help from a local church.
Using abortion as a birth control method should not be encouraged.
Selling body parts gives financial incentives to perform late term abortions.
The fetus does experience pain and the methods are excruciatingly cruel.
Increase the penalties for rape and provide an environment where a girl is not pressured to "put out" because "everybody does it" and she fears losing the the love of her life if she says no.
It's her body until she conceives. Then it is a shared body.

Originally Posted by MissMary
If they want people to be responsible they should help them recover from mistakes they've made and be able to support themselves instead of families going without basics like housing, food and daycare.
Again the emphasis should be on preventing the mistakes in the first place.
Programs should be tailored to provide a helping hand, not dependency.
Democrats are notorious for keeping people in poverty and dependent on the government.
They are the root of the problem but take humanitarian credit for the benefits they offer to alleviate the problems they perpetuate.

Originally Posted by MissMary
Although I do not like the current illegal immigration polices of the Democrats, no one should be arguing against feeding the children that were brought here. They are here now and they should be be cared for or returned home promptly and safely. They should not be separated from their parents.
The MSM is quick to demonize any actions taken by Republicans and overlook the actions by Democrats.
For example, the "cruel cages" they showed when criticizing Trump were actually photos from Obama's term.
The cruel fact is that while Trump built walls to keep people and families from making the dangerous trip, the Democrats tore down the walls and welcomed them with open arms.
Again, conservatives try to stop the problems before they get out of hand, the Democrats need to produce victims so they can acquire the reputation of being benevolent and win votes.

Originally Posted by MissMary
I'm sorry to hear that you opposed gay marriage.
I'm sorry my reasons were so devastatingly affirmed.

Originally Posted by MissMary
The irresponsible and divisive push from lawmakers to teach children age inappropriate material in school did not come from the gay community.
The push was facilitated by using the gay movement whether the gay community approved or not.
The social concept of traditional family is constantly under attack.
It is not that non traditional families cannot provide a loving and strong foundation; it's just that traditional families generally have fewer challenges.
This is particularly true of single parent families.

Originally Posted by MissMary
I hope we find the area suitable to raise a child in a same sex marriage. We've got a few years to get a good read on that. So far, everyone has been friendly with us.
I don't know about the people in your area, but I would not be surprised if you find conservatives more accepting than you fear.