Originally Posted by Cheyenne
We are beating our heads against a wall hear...both of us.
I agree. For simplicity, I'm going to reply to just this post.
If I miss an important point in your other posts, let me know and I'll address it.

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
I have answered all of these questions. You just don't like my answers.
Mostly you talk around my questions.
For example:
I've repeatedly asked you to comment on my interpretation of the quote that we've agreed you feel is an indication of Vance's position.
You haven't even stated whether you agree or disagree, let alone justify your contention if you disagree.
It's as if I said Trump admitted to molesting women in the pussy tape and you explained how that is not the case.
My repeated response to your explanations would be: "Nope. I heard his exact words with my own ears," followed by "I've already answered that."

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
I disagree that you needs to watch an entire football game to discuss the outcome. There is more than one controversial play with Vance.
However, if you won't talk about the first controversial replay, why bother looking for more?

I appreciate your attempt to document your position.
However, to me the whole issue is moot so don't waste your time.
As I mentioned in posts in other threads, I'm indifferent to Vance.
If he is horrible, then I figure that it might be a deterrent for a potential Trump assassin who doesn't want Vance to be president.
If he is great, then great.
Either way, I'm voting for Trump because in the four years he had, he has shown he has the best chance to save the US (and perhaps the world).
That he is willing to put his fortune and life on the line to make the effort speaks well of his character.

As to my MSM remarks, I'm sorry they offended you.
It's just that when I see comments that divert attention from real issues to petty character attacks on red herring points, I feel frustrated because I'm sure they are directed by leftists in partnership with the MSM.
Isn't that just plain "weird"?