Why can't you just admit that Noem killing that dog WAS NOT going to sit right with a lot of people......She also has to be the dumbest politician ever to admit doing such a thing....
As for Vance:
I DID NOT want him from the beginning....(it's obvious you like him).....
My dislike/distrust of him has NOTHING to do with his book/movie (which I never read or saw) or anything that he supposedly said.....I see him as an opportunist who might eventually back stab Trump.....Oh yeah, I can see two years from now Vance trying to pull a 25th amendment tactic.....
And I am sick and freaking tired of hearing his rags to riches story....He sounds exactly like a politician...(ie: Scum of the earth)
Trump should have NEVER taken him....
I hear his wife is an extreme radical leftist too....In fact most people who graduated from Yale Law School are leftists......You don't think his wife has any influence over him?
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 08/02/2024 02:10 AM.