...[Vance] said Democrats are anti family. Coming from a big loving family that has always voted Democratic, that didn't go over well with me.
I've maintained for years that liberal policies are detrimental to traditional families.
Those policies have been implemented by the Democratic Party for decades.
Those Democrats who believe the anti-conservative rhetoric have consistently voted Democratic even though they support the concept of family.
Education, crime, services, opportunities, etc. all suffer as a consequence.
Sadly many, like yourself, seek to get away from the blue cities.
People like Vance contribute to the non acceptance [of same sex parents].
Even if true, it pales in contrast to other factors that are turning people off from the gay agenda:
-Gays redefine genders and are insulted if someone doesn't use the right pronoun (often with penalties involved).
-Giving gays the ability to force businesses to support their lifestyle.
-Promoting inappropriate actions and lifestyles in schools and libraries.
-Manipulating and even mutilating children -- often without parental knowledge or consent.
-Taking parenting rights away from parents.
-Mocking religion (i.e. Last Supper in Paris)
-Giving gays preferences in hiring.
-redefining traditional terms such as calling mothers "birthing persons."
These kinds of issues contribute more to the nonacceptance of the gay lifestyle than any rhetoric by a politician.
If a nuclear war breaks out, it is going to anyway.
That's a dangerous, fatalistic attitude.
I believe with the weakening of our military (much of the weakness is caused by "woke" policies) our adversaries are emboldened to acquire and develop nuclear weapons.
Allow Iran access to funds allowed it to support terrorism (such as the Hamas attack) as well as fund their nuclear ability and delivery vehicles.
Trump made significant strides toward peace in the Mideast.
When Trump was in office, we had leverage to discourage the Russian invasion in the first place.
Now we have spent billions and there is the threat of nuclear exchange in the Ukraine conflict.
Faced with the costs of wars that we have incurred under Biden and the threat of radioactivity around the world in even a limited use of nuclear weapons, dumping Trump because you don't like the vice-president seems ludicrous.
Covid happened under Trump's watch. People may call me a conspiracy theory but it was obviously a lab designed weapon. How did he not know that the US was funding the research?
Good question.
We now know the federal agencies (FBI CIA DOJ IRS,etc.) are actively against Trump.
Trump threatens their power and income.
Whether launched purposely or accidentally, the Covid pandemic was weaponized to destroy the economy on Trump's watch and allow the means to steal the election if the crippling of the economy wasn't enough to keep him from being re-elected.
The government agencies fed him false, misleading, and/or incomplete information on how to handle the pandemic.
I care about crime rates, illegal invasion and inflation. That is as much as I can go with thinking my vote will matter anyway.
The sad part is, even if you do vote for Trump to rectify the horrible mess the Biden/Harris administrations left, your vote may be switched by a machine or cancelled by an illegal vote.
One thing I know for sure is that I will not vote for a Democrat unless they turn themselves around.
It's too bad more Democrats didn't come to that decision decades ago.
As it is, I fear
Fahrenheit451's prediction of civil war may soon be a reality.