Originally Posted by MissMary
It should be the function of the federal government to use tax dollars to help people that are truly in need, however that needs to be worked out with the states.
And the states should work things out with the cities.
I believe the smaller the entity responsible and able to do a function, the better.

Originally Posted by MissMary
We are not talking about using abortion as birth control. I am presenting that if a woman finds herself in an unexpected pregnancy and needs help that her family is unwilling or unable to provide, tax dollars should assist.
I'm talking about a fetus that is painfully ripped from the only environment it knows.
Personally, I would support very early abortion (i.e. morning after pill).
After a heartbeat and/or brain waves, the rules change.
As I indicated before, the female has the right to say no.
That is the control she has on her body. When with child, she shares that body with that child.

Originally Posted by MissMary
This country, with all of the technology and resources, can prevent illegal immigration.
Trump tried and was fought and stymied by the left.
In contrast, Biden actually invited them.

Originally Posted by MissMary
They need to be returned promptly but safely. That means emergency medical care when needed, compassion, shelter and food. on a temporary basis.
That assumes you can get the resources to do so without diverting resources from citizens who may need services.

Originally Posted by MissMary
It has not been confirmed that gay marriage lead to the woke policies that are being pushed in schools.
It was a tool that was already being used in Massachusetts when Prop 8 was passed in California.

There are several policies on these issues (both good and bad) that are worthy of their own thread.
I'm just trying to make the point that Republicans/conservatives are generally compassionate when taking their position.
Liberals usually focus on having the government help the victim cope with their plight while conservatives focus on reducing the number of victims--hence would-be victims don't have a plight to cope with.
An indication as to the benefits of one philosophy over the other is the migration from blue dominant states is usually to red states.