Originally Posted by Cheyenne
It was being widely reported by multiple sources. Someone would have to be living under a rock not to know about it.
That indeed is indicative of the power of those "multiple sources."
Where would those sources get that story if they were not from left wing contributors?

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
I would still believe they took something in his book and embellished it or took it out of context.
This indicates you still want to believe the story or "something else" that shows he's weird.

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
I find it horrible that he made it sound as though women who don't have children will not have a good quality of life.
Again, show the source and quote.
There is no way to address your concern/point when you paraphrases or summarize without providing a reference to exactly what guided you to your conclusion.

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
His clarification shortly later that "Democrats are anti family," was not good either. Is the DNC anti family?
How can I respond without having your source at hand?
Your paraphrasing and summations are useless without context

Originally Posted by Cheyenne
He demeaned women who [haven't had children].
I don't see that in the quote I posted. Please explain.
In order to understand where you are coming from, please answer questions I ask, namely: What part of that quote do you consider "horrible"?