Hide the pillows! Ha. Good one.
I heard Vance's cat lady remark to be loud and clear. It wasn't a joke. I agree that the Democrat's if office have policies that are not supportive of parents. But, he said Democrats are anti family. Coming from a big loving family that has always voted Democratic, that didn't go over well with me. His avocation for people with children to have more of a voice than people who don't is loud, clear and inexcusable. It is because of people like him running our government that makes it difficult for people to have children. He is against expanding the child credit tax write off. He is against government funded parental leave. More than anything, his party is the one that has advocated against people, like me, from adopting children, marrying a same sex partner and creating a stigma for a child of gay parents to grow up in. I don't like what they are teaching the kids in school about sexuality. Let them figure that out on their own. But, he is of the party that helped make life for gay people more difficult than it should have been.
Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. I sold my condo in the Chicago area because the city had become too crime ridden for comfort. My girl and I have been talking about getting married and having a child. In the suburb we lived in, it would be accepted. Where we are moving, in Kentucky, it probably won't be. Neither of us want a child to be treated differently for having two moms. People like Vance contribute to the non acceptance. Taking a chance on getting mugged or not being able to have a child, while being criticized for not starting a family should a choice that anyone is faced with.
If a nuclear war breaks out, it is going to anyway. Covid happened under Trump's watch. People may call me a conspiracy theory but it was obviously a lab designed weapon. How did he not know that the US was funding the research? I don't trust the Dems or Repubs when it comes to national security in that regard. I care about crime rates, illegal invasion and inflation. That is as much as I can go with thinking my vote will matter anyway.
Vance is worse than Pence and his history of wanting gay people healed instead of accepting them and letting them be. Trump choice round two of discrimination against people who don't fit the procreation mode. For me, it is either vote for Trump or not at all. Thanks to Vance, it will probably be not at all. One thing I know for sure is that I will not vote for a Democrat unless they turn themselves around.