We are beating our heads against a wall hear...both of us. I have answered all of these questions. You just don't like my answers. I disagree that you needs to watch an entire football game to discuss the outcome. There is more than one controversial play with Vance. His cat lady compassion and, when called on it 2 years later, his response was flip and alienating. As I've said, he started out with saying, "Look, I have nothing against cats," trying to downplay his remarks. Then he launched into the Democrats being anti family. In the quote you referenced, it came across that a woman's life would not be meaningful without having children. I've explained this to you before. You just don't like my read on it. Now part of a speech in which he says that people with children have more of an investment in the future of the country and should have more of a voice than people who don't have children is circulating. I don't like it when only part of a speech is presented. I'd like to hear the entire speech but can't find it. They are calling it an "Unearthed" speech. So, it is not recent. It just keeps looking worse and worse. Some of the look is spin and embellishment but he has handed them a lot to work with.
Here is one of the links. If I find the entire speech on youtube, I will post it. It is better to listen to the entire speech for context.
Yes, I did misspeak. I find it horrible that Vance's comments singled these people out in a negative light.
I have provided my reasoning with detail multiple times. You just don't like it. I saw on a post you made to someone else that the media ran against Palin instead of McCain. To a large extent that is true. I see Vance as low hanging fruit who doesn't have much to bring to the ticket and is as eloquent as a can of paint. I liked the pick at first. But, it didn't take long of hearing him talk to change my mind. Again, my concern is that it will have a negative impact on Trump.